Dorothy Smith and Ellsworth Clark

Collected family records of Dorothy Smith (1911-1988) & Ellsworth Clark (1908-2006). Includes diaries, photos, letters, and Books of Remembrance, and other historical papers.

The Kindex® system recognizes the following “T” Dates in this Archive:
ten days
ten days previous
ten thirty
ten years
That coming years
that day
That evening
that many years
That night
that same spring
that summer
that year
The A.M. Friday April 6
The day
The first day
The first year
The happiest year
The last 3 weeks
The last day
The next day
The next Fall
The next few days
The next morning
The next October
The next summer
The next Sunday
The night
The other day
The other night
The Spring
The summer of 1936
The Thursday
The years
their older years
these balmy spring days
these coming years
these days
these many days
these nights
third year
thirteen years of age
thirty minutes later
this 4th
this afternoon
this April
this Aug.
this day
this Easter vacation
this era
This evening
This fall
this fine day
this July 1934
This last night
this last week
this late hour
this lonesome hour
This month
this month &
this morning
this natal day
this next week
this night
this noon hour
This past Friday
this past week
this PM
this quarter
this same season
This same week
this Saturday
this season
this spring
this summer
this this morning
this week
this week end
This winter
This year
this year - about 24
those day
three days
three months
Three of four hours later
three quarters
three years
three years old
three] hours
Thurs .
Thurs Dec 15th
Thurs Dec 8th
Thurs Jan 19th 1928
Thurs July 26th
Thurs July 4th 1929
Thurs June 4/31
Thurs night
Thurs Nov 24th
Thursday - " Friday - " Sat
Thursday 3 - 8 - 34
Thursday eve
Thursday Feb 23
Thursday Feb 2nd
Thursday June 4, 1931
Thursday March 29th
Thursday March. 22nd
Thursday Sept 26th
Thursday, December 14, 1933
Thursday, December 28, 1933
Thursday, December 7, 1933
Thursday, February 8, 1934
Thursday, January 11, 1934
Thursday, January 18, 1934
Thursday, January 25, 1934
Thursday, January 4, 1934
Thursday, July 2, 1931
Thursday, July 23, 1931
Thursday, July 26, 1934
Thursday, July 5, 1934
Thursday, June 11, 1931
Thursday, June 21, 1934
Thursday, June 7, 1934
Thursday, May 25, 1933
Thursday, May 4, 1933
Thursday, November 17, 1933
Thursday, November 2, 1933
Thursday, November 30, 1933
Thursday, October 12, 1933
Thursday, October 18, 1934
Thursday, October 19, 1933
til 10:30
til 3 or 4 AM
time summer
today & yesterday
today 97
Today, Tuesday
tomorrow evening
tomorrow night
too few - next month
Tues - Nov 15 - Wm Pitt
Tues 16th 12 PM
Tues 20th
Tues Dec. 27th 1927
Tues Jan 31st 1928
Tues night
Tuesday & Wednesday, July 8 and 9, 1934
Tuesday Apr. 10th
Tuesday Apr. 3rd
Tuesday Feb 22nd 1928
Tuesday Feb. 7th
Tuesday January 16th, 1934
Tuesday March 27
Tuesday March 6th
Tuesday March.
Tuesday morning
Tuesday Morning 10
Tuesday night
Tuesday October 3, 1933
Tuesday PM July 2nd
Tuesday Sept 24th
Tuesday, April 14, 1931
Tuesday, August 4, 1931
Tuesday, December 12, 1933
Tuesday, December 19, 1933
Tuesday, December 26, 1933
Tuesday, December 5, 1933
Tuesday, February 6, 1934
Tuesday, Jan 3rd
Tuesday, January 2, 1934
Tuesday, January 23, 1934
Tuesday, January 30, 1934
Tuesday, January 9, 1934
Tuesday, July
Tuesday, July 14, 1931
Tuesday, July 24, 1934 Pioneer Day
Tuesday, July 28, 1931
Tuesday, July 31, 1934
Tuesday, June 12, 1934
Tuesday, June 19, 1934
Tuesday, June 26-30, 1934
Tuesday, June 6, 1933
Tuesday, June 9, 1931
Tuesday, May 16, 1933
Tuesday, May 23, 1933
Tuesday, May 30, 1933
Tuesday, November 15, 1933
Tuesday, November 28, 1933
Tuesday, October 10, 1933
Tuesday, October 9, 1934
Tuesday, September 11, 1934
Tuesday, September 18, 1934
Tuesday, September 25, 1934
Tuesday, September 3, 1934
Tuesday, September 5, 1933
twelve years
two and a half years ago
two before another Christmas
two days
Two days are years
Two days later
two extra days
two hundred years ago
two hundred years or so
two months earlier
two more weeks
Two or 3 yrs ago
two or three weeks
Two or three weeks ago
two weeks
Two weeks ago
two years
Two years ago