Dorothy Smith and Ellsworth Clark
Collected family records of Dorothy Smith (1911-1988) & Ellsworth Clark (1908-2006). Includes diaries, photos, letters, and Books of Remembrance, and other historical papers.
ten daysten days previousten thirtyten yearsten-year-oldThanksgivingThat coming yearsthat dayThat eveningthat many yearsThat nightthat same springthat summerthat yearThe A.M. Friday April 6The dayTHE DAYSThe first dayThe first yearThe happiest yearThe last 3 weeksThe last dayThe next dayThe next FallThe next few daysThe next morningThe next OctoberThe next summerThe next SundayThe nightThe other dayThe other nightThe SpringThe summer of 1936The ThursdayThe yearstheir older yearsthese balmy spring daysthese coming yearsthese daysthese many daysthese nightsthird yearthirteen years of agethirty minutes laterthis 4ththis afternoonthis Aprilthis Aug.this daythis Easter vacationthis eraThis eveningThis fallthis fine daythis July 1934This last nightthis last weekthis late hourthis lonesome hourThis monththis month &this morningthis natal daythis next weekthis nightthis noon hourThis past Fridaythis past weekthis PMthis quarterthis same seasonThis same weekthis Saturdaythis seasonthis springthis summerthis this morningthis weekthis week endThis winterThis yearthis year - about 24those daythree daysthree monthsThree of four hours laterthree quartersthree yearsthree years oldthree-daythree] hoursThur.ThursThurs .Thurs Dec 15thThurs Dec 8thThurs Jan 19th 1928Thurs July 26thThurs July 4th 1929Thurs June 4/31Thurs nightThurs Nov 24thThurs.thursdayThursday - " Friday - " SatThursday 3 - 8 - 34Thursday eveThursday Feb 23Thursday Feb 2ndThursday June 4, 1931Thursday March 29thThursday March. 22ndThursday Sept 26thThursday, December 14, 1933Thursday, December 28, 1933Thursday, December 7, 1933Thursday, February 8, 1934Thursday, January 11, 1934Thursday, January 18, 1934Thursday, January 25, 1934Thursday, January 4, 1934Thursday, July 2, 1931Thursday, July 23, 1931Thursday, July 26, 1934Thursday, July 5, 1934Thursday, June 11, 1931Thursday, June 21, 1934Thursday, June 7, 1934Thursday, May 25, 1933Thursday, May 4, 1933Thursday, November 17, 1933Thursday, November 2, 1933Thursday, November 30, 1933Thursday, October 12, 1933Thursday, October 18, 1934Thursday, October 19, 1933til 10:30til 3 or 4 AMtime summerTo-daytodaytoday & yesterdaytoday 97Today, Tuesdaytomorrowtomorrow eveningtomorrow nightTonighttoo few - next monthTuesTues - Nov 15 - Wm PittTues 16th 12 PMTues 20thTues Dec. 27th 1927Tues Jan 31st 1928Tues nightTues.tuesdayTuesday & Wednesday, July 8 and 9, 1934Tuesday Apr. 10thTuesday Apr. 3rdTuesday Feb 22nd 1928Tuesday Feb. 7thTuesday January 16th, 1934Tuesday March 27Tuesday March 6thTuesday March.Tuesday morningTuesday Morning 10Tuesday nightTuesday October 3, 1933Tuesday PM July 2ndTuesday Sept 24thTuesday, April 14, 1931Tuesday, August 4, 1931Tuesday, December 12, 1933Tuesday, December 19, 1933Tuesday, December 26, 1933Tuesday, December 5, 1933Tuesday, February 6, 1934Tuesday, Jan 3rdTuesday, January 2, 1934Tuesday, January 23, 1934Tuesday, January 30, 1934Tuesday, January 9, 1934Tuesday, JulyTuesday, July 14, 1931Tuesday, July 24, 1934 Pioneer DayTuesday, July 28, 1931Tuesday, July 31, 1934Tuesday, June 12, 1934Tuesday, June 19, 1934Tuesday, June 26-30, 1934Tuesday, June 6, 1933Tuesday, June 9, 1931Tuesday, May 16, 1933Tuesday, May 23, 1933Tuesday, May 30, 1933Tuesday, November 15, 1933Tuesday, November 28, 1933Tuesday, October 10, 1933Tuesday, October 9, 1934Tuesday, September 11, 1934Tuesday, September 18, 1934Tuesday, September 25, 1934Tuesday, September 3, 1934Tuesday, September 5, 1933twelve yearstwo and a half years agotwo before another Christmastwo daysTwo days are yearsTwo days latertwo extra daystwo hundred years agotwo hundred years or sotwo months earliertwo more weeksTwo or 3 yrs agotwo or three weeksTwo or three weeks agotwo weeksTwo weeks agotwo yearsTwo years ago