Dorothy Smith and Ellsworth Clark

Collected family records of Dorothy Smith (1911-1988) & Ellsworth Clark (1908-2006). Includes diaries, photos, letters, and Books of Remembrance, and other historical papers.

The Kindex® system recognizes the following “9” Dates in this Archive:
9 AM Sun 18
9 ch. 8
9 July 1932
9 July, 1932
9 Mar 1984
9 oclock this morning
9 p.m.
9 PM
9 PM next full moon
9 year old
9 yr old
9:00 PM
9:30 AM
9:30 P.M.
9:55 P.M.
9.00 PM
9.30 A.M.
9.30 AM
9.30 PM
9.40 PM
90 years old
90¢ an hour