Dorothy Smith and Ellsworth Clark

Collected family records of Dorothy Smith (1911-1988) & Ellsworth Clark (1908-2006). Includes diaries, photos, letters, and Books of Remembrance, and other historical papers.

The Kindex® system recognizes the following ā€œJā€ Dates in this Archive:
Jan '33
Jan 13th
Jan 16
Jan 17 10 AM 1934
Jan 17, 1934
Jan 17, 1943
Jan 18 1934
Jan 19/34 7:30 AM
Jan 1930
Jan 1936-37
Jan 1st
Jan 2 1934
Jan 26th 1928
Jan 3 33
Jan 31st 1975
Jan Feb 4, 1940
Jan. 1, 1936
Jan. 15/34
Jan. 18, 1934 10:15 A.M.
Jan. 1st
Jan. 1st 1934
Jan. 23 1934
Jan. 25
Jan. 25/34
Jan. 29, 1956
Jan. Era
January 1, 1934
January 1908
January 1933
January 31st 1929
Jul 13 1931
Jul 1962
Jul 21 1973
July - 1931
July 1
July 11, 1934
July 12-
July 12th 1924
July 12th,
July 13, 1998
July 13th
July 14/31
July 14/32
July 15
July 15/31
July 16
July 16/17
July 16th 1929
July 17th
July 18, 1931
July 18/31
July 18th
July 1936
July 1942
July 1946
July 1965
July 1969
July 1st
July 1st 1927
July 2, 1931
July 2, 1934
July 2/31
July 2/34
July 21
July 21, 1932
July 23/31 Thurs
July 23rd 1928
July 24
July 24, 1932
July 24, 1933
July 24/31 Fri
July 25
July 25/30
July 25th 1928
July 27 1933
July 27, 1933
July 27th 1928
July 28
July 29, 1933
July 3, 1934
July 30
July 30th
July 31
July 4/31
July 5th
July 6 / 32
July 6, 1932
July 7/31 Tues
July 8, 1931
July 8, 1932
July 9-32
July 9/32
July of 1942
July to August 15th
Jun 1965
June '53
June & Mary
June + Iris
June 1
June 1, 1934
June 10/31
June 11/32
June 11th
June 12, 1933
June 12, 1935
June 13, 1932
June 13, 1933
June 13/31
June 16th, 1932
June 1806
June 19, 1932
June 1914
June 1933
June 1934
June 19th
June 20/44
June 21/31 Sun
June 21st
June 21st 1928 &
June 22
June 23, 1932
June 24
June 24, 1932
June 25 - 26th 1929
June 25, 1931
June 25, 1933
June 25/31
June 25/34
June 25th
June 26 , 1935
June 26, 1934
June 26/34
June 27, 1937
June 27/27
June 2nd
June 30, 1932
June 30th
June 4 or 5th 1932
June 4/31
June 5/31
June 7, 1938
June 8, 1934
June 8/31
June 9 Tues
June A. B. Smith
June A. Bushman Smith
June Anniversary
June Augusta
June Augusta Bushman
June B. Smith
June B. Smith B.
June B. Smith History
June July 27th 1929
June nights
June of 1877
June of 1933
just 18
just 3 yrs earlier
Just a minute
just a second
just a week
just about 70 minutes old
Just last night
just minutes
just perfect nights
just yesterday