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More notes about Ellsworth—April 99 telephone visit with Mary Anne

I had a question about Pop’s grandmothers. Here is some of the information he told me.

His grandmother Shepherd (Sarah Clifton) was an excellent cook. She made fun of Pop’s Grandmother Clark’s cooking. His Grandmother Clark (Emma Woolley) was more practical, and cooked just to feed the family; she was also well educated and a midwife. His Grandmother Shepherd, on the other hand was not well read, and had never gone to school.

Pop lived for three years with his Grandmother Shepherd. But most of his life, he lived next door to his Grandmother Clark. If he had something special to tell, he’d often go over and tell her, rather than his own mother who was busy with the family. His Grandmother Clark encouraged him in his reading.

Pop’s Grandfather Shepherd (Lorenzo Tracey) was neat and precise, and a good gardener.

Pop’s Grandfather Clark (Charles Rich) farmed to make a living, but not because he particularly cared for it. He wanted to teach school, but his father talked him out of it. He attended the Brigham Young Academy. His father, Ezra, told him, “No self respecting boy of his should be a teacher. It would be better to be a rancher or farmer.” Pop’s Grandfather Clark didn’t work with a plan, like the other grandfather, but would sometimes help a widow, then start his own work by moonlight. He served three or four missions after he was married. These were four to five month missions to the Southern States. He was a good church man. He would come over Sunday morning to see if Pop had memorized the “Concert Recitation for Sunday School. There was also the “Memory Gem” which was an easier short scripture to be learned.

Pop’s Great Grandfather John W. Woolley lived in plural marriage, but was disfellowshipped for continuing the practice and encouraging others to do so, after the church discontinued it. He changed his mind later in his life, and at age 91 or 92 told Pop, “Ellsworth, I was wrong. I want my descendants to follow the leaders of the church.”