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My Choices

Thoughtful decisions
Will play a key part
In keeping me strong
And pure in heart.

I’ll try to be watchful
And never despair
In this world where
Temptation is everywhere.

I’ve been carefully taught
With love unrestrained,
How thankful I am
For knowledge I’ve gained.

But do I remember
The choice rests with me
To plan or to gamble
On what I would be?

To thank daily, a Father
Who’s given me all
That I might return
Well-prepared at His call?

Do I have to experiment
Be selfish or proud?
Stubbornly reckless
Just to be with the crowd?

Why should I take chances
If curiosity leaves scars?
Why not be creative—
Set my goal for the stars?

There’s much yet to learn
If all truth I embrace;
But rewards will be endless
As I take my place.

And then give to others
My help and concern;
Surely this course in life
Will true happiness earn.

Have a wonderful 12th Birthday and year.
Affectionately, Grandma and Grandpa Clark