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750 N. 11th East
Provo, Utah
April 25, 1955

Dear Dorothy -

Receiving your sweet letter last month was one of the most heart-warming experiences that has come to me in some time, and I'm taking the occasion of your birthday to tell you how deeply I appreciate a sister like you.

It's a wonderful thing to grow up with brothers and sisters who are dear companions to you. That association in early life adds a feeling of security and a richness of memory that lasts for the rest of one's years. In fact we probably don't fully realize the golden quality of those childhood joys until we look back upon them from a distance.

I feel blessed to have been close to you in age and interests and activities. As I contemplate it now, I think you developed many of the same qualities which characterized Dad, and thus were able to put up with your sometimes obstreperous brothers.

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In my own second and third children
I fancy there is another pair such as were
you and I. Their temperaments are similar,
and I trust their experience may be equally

Your wonderful achievements as a daughter,
wife and mother have my admiration.
May you continue to have health and
happiness as you radiate cheer and joy
to all of us who hold you dear.

With love,