Jan. 29, 1956
Dear Mom & Pop,
Excuse my forgetfulness, Happy Birthday Father! I didn't remember till after I sent last letter. I hope you are feeling fine, and everyone made your birthday a happy one! I for one am the proudest of the tribe, for being your first offspring and now I am still receiving help and care from you both. I love you, and hope to honor and obey your word, and uphold my birthright properly, that "my days will be long". I feel I'll never be able to repay what you've done for my welfare and future. I desire strong though, to raise my family as and efficiently as you most certainly have.
We do little tracking, for that only adds to the amount of the many contacts we're now working with. It's been difficult to meet with each of them though, and give efficient lessons and keep interested also. We can meet with most of them, only in the evenings.
Thank you so much for the camera Pop! I'll take good care of it. I'll sure be able to take good pictures with it. Looks like I'll have to learn about all the settings etc. first thought. We have a stack of camera magazines here, which have already explained a lot of my questions. I am wondering about the entre mombees alowe the shutter opening numbers at undrucde of lens) What significance do they have with rect of settings? for instance alone the f8 in the se makes that show together then window 100, 50, 25.
Last Friday the District Pres. from Red Bluff and companion visited us after a full dat of talking over problems and doing missionary work with each other in our area, we went to Red Bluff. The elder fill us up at Sis. McClollande home for the night. Elder Poulton and I could hardly get to sleep, the bed was soft and loppsidded.
Sat. morning we all went to Redding and held report and testimony meeting in the chapel of the ward house. 7th day adventisit were using the recreation hall for their "sabath" services. (They're rented it till they finish building their own). We all met the new elder replacing Elder Stebby who is leaving today for Baltimore, Maryland. His last name is Stansel or Stanzel and is from Salt Lake. He says he's Charleen's age and knows her fairly well, went to East High also.
We'll be laboring in Redding with a new district president, Elder Johnson. I'll have more info. on him later. Just before we had lunch at the meeting there, we went outside and all took some pictures of each other. It was clear and sunny all day. I really to too! Had Breakfast, and have been eating unusually heavy lately. After Elder Stenning visited with a few members, we went to Red Bluff and cought for Chica. Home at 7:45 pm.
Before I forget, be sure to thank Uncle Virgal for sending the "....." I enjoyed his article and chat, he's insured ant facition for me! The other elders in district proud it also. Enjoyed his poem in the "Layrement Era" too. Aunt Margaret sent a nice letter the other day. (Jeveon) ..., /
I received a batch of pictures - pret cards last week that I ordered, (100) I sent one to Charleen, and here's one for you all. We missionaries swap them as we work mory each other in the districts etc. Also give them to members who wish a pictures of me. We visit our morus and home address on the white strye at bottom of pictures, and then give them a few words of flattery and good wishes to the receiver on the book side. I'll be saving what picture I have of other Elders for future reference. I'll be sending home a few pictures I take with my new camera of course. Hope David and all the kids are well and healthy.
I am feeling fine and am eating well. Can't seem to gain much weight though.
Love, Norman
On outside of letter:
Birth Report to Ells. 1956 from Norman
Melissa Quigley working on this - 9/17/2022