947 Crandall Ave
July 2/34 [July 2, 1934]
Dearest Ellsworth,
Home and a letter from you at last.
Isn't this distance between us a nuisance? However I hope you'll get two good letters from me before this one. (I addressed one to L.D.S. Institute on June 26/34 [June 26, 1934].
Your work is short + concentrated isn't it? I mean the school session.
If you get out the 20th, hope you can be in S.L. before my vation [vacation] is over (23–30th) unless you have business that keeps you in Idaho. Of course there's really no rush in seeing each other anymore since we'll soon be together always. Just think! -at last-all these grand evenings we've talked of spending together. Ellsworth, it's too good to be true.
Yes-that would be fun to go to Can. [Canada] with the missionaries but there seem to be several factors against it.
Firstly we haven't a car nor any capital to speak of. If we got married up there you'd you might need to come here first to get clothes (or would you?) and it takes at least 2 days to make it form here.
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As to getting ready on my part I guess that wouldn't be so hard but it knocks my work kinda in the eye.
If I told them I was leaving the 22 or 3rd they of course wouldn't give me my vacation as I would be […] + if I didn't say anything but just 'left' during my vacation they'd brand me a sneak + a great big meanie you know.
Oh yes + besides Vera + Gene are changing plans + are going to the the knob down here. Gene will be here early this week. Vera's Brother is in the mission home this wk. + her parents are here also which look like the "I do's" will be spoken very shortly—within 2 wks. She stayed here […] St. night. we went to Jefferson Ward Sun. morning - then to her sisters for dinner (the one who wedded last Oct.
She's so thrilled she acting almost foolish and judging from my actions already, I hesitate to picture myself when I'm as near the climax as she now is. Gosh! are we having fun discussing plans + everything? Saw all your folks yesterday too. Helen talks of going to Chicago next Sat + is very thrilled.
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Saw your Aunt Ellen too. She look very said yet & wants you + I to be sure to come + see them on your return. We musn't forget.
Saw Lexie Heppler—? + her mother in Kress today. She asked where you were said she was going to stay in Utah - now that you were - certainly liked in G.J.
Haven't heard from Master Bill yet. Guess he's […] all my hospitality or maybe he feels obliged to disappear from the picture or maybe his illusions were unrepairably damaged.
Called over tonight to Knaphuses + took Grace for a ride. Olive had a young man visitor there. Oliver, Virgil, Lois + I had Stringham's car + drove up Parley's. Would have stopped at Shepperd's but we had a terrible time trying to start the car every time.
Rec'd a card from T.K. today saying he had just visited Can. + Niagara Falls.
Haslam just returned from vacation today but hasn't said anything to me yet.
Won't the boss be surprised when I break the news in Aug? He leaves for 3 wks this Sat.
Haven't heard from Marv lately tho I wrote a wee bit of the good news to him. He'll be home sometime next week I guess.
Guess I'll spend this 4th at home doing
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some sewing etc + maybe go somewhere with the kids.
To L.P. a principal—no? Is his wife going to teach too or does she hang around to keep his nose wiped?
Haven't seen anything of Fred since you left. Evelyn W is very busy with her school. Guess it's time I was breaking the secret to her. Gee it's so darned hard to keep it a secret especially when people see you around buying lace + prints + gown materials etc. Two girls in the store know + one of them especially I want you to meet. A sweet kid whose fellow is a mining engineer + who is leaving for Montana soon to stay 6 mos or these kids can keep secrets so there's no danger.
We haven't moved yet + may not for some time. It's doubtful about the reception two if we don't have a larger place.
Well sweet man I'll be anxious to get a letter today telling when school starts etc.
I get lonesome between letters to but am quite busy.
Will close + get this posted.
Always, Dot.
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D Smith
947 Crandall Ave
Salt Lake City
[indicia stating Salt Lake City July 3, 1934 and United States Postage stamp]
Mr. Ellsworth M. Clark
704 Deakin St.
Moscow, Idaho
"Wilma" written on back of letter