

04 Deakin Ave
Moscow, Idaho

Miss Dorothy Smith
947 Crandall
Salt Lake City, Utah


704 Deakin Ave
Moscow, Idaho
July 11, 1934

Dear Miss Dorothy:

Just after ones dinner the desire comes to rest a minute or two before the program of the day is resumed. Rest brings on memories and is also helpful in plan making. I don't know how long it will be before I finish the letter and get it off to you, but I'm starting now.

I received your, really nice, long letter just at dinnertime Monday. At the same time I received one from N. E. Sadler, which of course was very welcome also. He sent a Liahona which had a picture of us in. I'll show it to you sometime. He says he is still acting as a missionary, but is announcing about 3-4 hours daily. 

Say Miss Smith, I told you to put on a little fat, but I don't want you to get over 160 pounds. Shall we put the desired weight at 123 lbs? I think 118 you have been weighing is rather light. Oh well, what does it matter as long as you are the same sweet girl. Don't change so much I won't know you though. 

About my correspondence work, I will have to take two courses and can take it any place where there is a post office and best where there is a library. I will start it as soon as I can rake up the necessary $16.00 after summer school is over. It will take about 3-5 weeks to finish it, giving most of my time. 


It is now dusk and the air is sweet. Wish you were with me now!!

It's O.K. with me, whenever you want the date. If Sept. 1st is better then Sep. 1st it shall be. It's a sure cinch that everything we can get together before will be needed and appreciated afterwards. 

Before we leave Salt Lake for Georgetown & Geneva, there are a few certain people we will have to see. We can do that before we get married, however. There are such people as (Uncle) Vernon & Bessie, Aunt Ellen, Aunt Meta [ ], Julia & Rudolph, Hazel & Andrew, etc. I suppose there will be a few more also, from your side. I don't care to visit, but I've promised the ones mentioned. 

Now for news concerning my scabies, or itch. Last Sat. night I rubbed the [ ] all over my body with exception of feet and face. The next morning I felt relieved, and I'm sure I got most of it. I'm not sure whether the [ ] set up a counter irritation or not, but this is still [ ] itching. I'm not sure in [ ] its good or not. I bought some of the soap you mentioned. It's rather strong and seems to dry and chap my skin, yes and burn, but I rinse it off like you said. 

I'm not so bad that I'm a social outcast. Don't fear that. I think the only ones who know I have it are the ones I've told. As I don't sleep with anyone and have my own wash cloth towel, I'm not in any danger of giving it to anyone else. 

If we can get Oliver & Marvin to go up and drive a car it will be much easier as I have quite a few things to take from Salt lake and I suppose you will also. There is plenty of room up here, and I'll try and get the house wired up with electricity again. You see when Momma went to Salt Lake she has the meter taken out.

I don't know whether [ ] and Wilma are figuring on getting married, or not. They should by the actions. I had someone ask me today at the dinner table if I'd noticed the girl with the backless dress and that cute kid in the [ ] Class (L.P.) acting to each other in the halls. Well, I guess she must love him. Wilma is trying for the school in Georgetown. Can't be a teacher & be married, you know (a woman). 

Only 7 more real days of school. Today is Wed the eleventh & with 2 more days this week & 5 next, our school will be over. It's going so fast I can hardly realize it. 

I may get time to add a note in the morning before going to school. 

Goodbye for now, sweet; 


July 12- (morning 7:00 o'clock)

Sweetheart - with breakfast eaten I [ ][ ] towards little red school house. Lots to do before and of school. Be good Darling and keep that love burning until later. Love, Ellsworth. OX