
Geneva, Idaho
Nov 15/34

Dearest Mother-

Haven't rec'd [received] your answer but will have this ready to send off as soon as I do hear from you.  

We are still enjoying spring days and plenty of sunshine.

So far I haven't accomplished much in the art line outside of cards, signs, and displays, birds etc. for the school.  This country with its known hills so close to the view doesn't seem to inspire me much.  It's like living in a mush bowl- the sun drops behind a hill long before it needs to be dark.

Last time Ellsworth went hunting he got 2 rabbits and a real large sage rooster.  We gave the neighbors some and had some delicious roasts, dressing etc for a week.

And guess what came by mail this week?  A beautiful, shiny, medium-size, long wear aluminum roaster from one of his father's sisters in S. L. Julia Wunderly.  Guess its a wedding present, inspired by Thanksgiving, and bordering on Xmas. It's one thing I surely wanted and this will last a life-time.

The 2 extra knives and forks of silver arrived recently from the S.H. Lumber Co. Will make some flannel holders for the set.

So far I haven't made any more pie but occasionally Mrs. Heredi gives us one and I made such a good orange cake yesterday, and so large I gave them 1/2 to prone I could cook.

My bread isn't much to brag about either. Am going to try a suet pudding soon.

St. Clark says her sister Louie Call in Afton, WY is going to invite us to thanksgiving dinner (about 10 or 15 min from here).

We had a rooster dinner last week at Herschies.

Today I am going to a shower for one of the young brides here. a convert from California

Weldon Grandi won the job of County Supt. of schools against a woman who had been in several terms. It was Ellsworth who suggested the idea to him of running.

Ells[worth] will have more "pull" now in getting jobs in this county.

Regarding our trip to S.L. in Dec. there are some things I would like your advice on. Don't know how I'd manage without you to fall back on in meeting these new circumstances.

We're getting our urgent debts paid before Jan. so won't have much to shop with but I wondered what would he [] to get there as Montpelier is too small for a choice of things and prices.

Will I need to buy a larger silk dress that I can wear going out in the latter months.

I should get material for or buy a few hoover aprons I guess, like my brown or orange. 

Anything Else?

Then regarding the newcomer, I thought I could get Sr. Clark to help me pick out a few nice things that I can't get up here, as one or 2 blankets, silk hood, slippers, knitted outfits, maybe some underthings and then leave diapers, slips to make afterward.

I can have use of a machine both here and in Georgetown. I could get some long (lawn?) cloth to make dresses and maybe get flannel etc, here or by catalog.

Then I'd like to have some knitted piece form Grandma for it but I don't know if I should ask her.

What does a Layette consist of approx.? Guess I'll have to depend on Sr. Clark for what I don't know.

Will need a bassinet or crib too I guess, but not a buggy in Georgetown as there aren't many sidewalks.

What should an average layette cost? and Dr bill?

I'm treating you like a regular answer man but I hope you will hold out long enough to get this information to me before I go to S.L. say about Dec. 20

Oh yes about my health- I feel fine but my kidneys seem to be out of gear lately.

I might say that I drink more water than I used to but I didn't think you could drink too much and a quart or 1 1/2 quarts a day isn't too much is it? (good water)

At nights I usually get up at least once and often twice if I drink in evening but what worries me is- as soon as the desire comes I can hardly control it.

I used to wait long periods after I should have gone but now I can't wait a second and I don't know what I'd do in a public gathering if I didn't watch myself.

Is there a cause for this or anything to help it? It's absolutely the most inconvenient 'ailment'.

Ells isn't fattening any but there isn't much change in his mode of living from his school days. Takes lunch and studies rather late. I'd like to know what would clear his skin tho. I've tried cutting down on sweets and heavy foods but they're still too numerous and even small ones all over his shoulders and one or two on chest. They all don't 'head' but are hard and red.

When he was 13 or 14 and had his appendix out it broke 2 days or so before the operation and I wondered if the poisons assimilated bu his body then could have any bearing on his condition now. 

His health is good tho' and he's not even afflicted with colds.

I'm trying to let my nose heal up but that's another phenomenon that puzzles me.

Maybe you and Dad can get together and give us a diagnosis if we're worth it.

Hope you can answer the other queries too. Will call for mail.

Devotedly, Dorothy

Nov. 19/34

Dear Mother.

Sr. Clark has written that we are to stay there for Xmas even if we have to take turns sleeping (but that won't be necessary.)

We had a baby blizzard this morning but it's not very cold yet. 

On the Xmas cards I'm sending (soon) I have left lines to print names on some of them.

Don can fill them in Dr. H. and J.B. or Hyrum and June depending on who they're sent to and also print the address.

On the folders I think I'll print a verse, also leave space for you to add a few lines to friends.

What is Oliver's address? Will he have enough cash for Xmas if we just sent sox or something?

We won't have our warrant cashed till tomorrow but we're going to a show tonight on our last $0.50

Better post this so you can get the answer back. Hope Lois has a Happy Birthday.

Best love

Dot and Ellsworth
