
Georgetown, Ida.
At Home
Sunday Evening
Aug - 14 - 32

Dearest little Hiker 

Are you over the stiffness acquired on your memorable trek from Black Rock to Salt Lake? How I would like to have been hiding somewhere and seen you come in. I suppose I would have laughed a little even if it was no laughing matter. Maybe I could have give you a little massage to help overcome the stiffness. I really do feel sorry that you had to walk so far. I've walked that far and I know how it feels. 

Aug 15, 1932

Well, now I"ll see if I can make some headway on this letter. It seems as through every time I sit down to write something has to be done or someone calls. (this was the case last evening.). 

Earl Tippetts (the one who was married last spring and called to see me and the same night I had my date with you.) and his wife called in to see me yesterday and I spent most of the day with them. Then in the evening I wrote as you see and she had to go to bed as my mother was not feeling very well. 

I've been working in the hay again during the past week and now most of that work is over with. I will soon help to harvest the grain crop. I might go out of town about 10 miles and stay for two or three weeks. I hope, hoever to get in Sundays, at least. You see if I didn't I would not be able to get a letter which I would hope to get, and no even get to post one myself. 

The Wild Chicken season will be open in 5 more days and I suppose I'll go on a hunting trip of about 2 or 3 days. Have my shot gun all shined up now. I suppose Leanord and Lewis will be with me. Better come with. 


There I knew here, there I loved her,
Loved her - but of no matter,
Haply 'twas as friend or brother. 

Not alone her charm of person,
Loveliness of form and feature;
Mental gifts and moral graces,
Jewels of the mind and spirit,
Fit to shine in haunts of sages,
Or in Palaces of princes -
These were hers, 'Mid other treasures. 

An Ode to 'Love'?


"Dawn of love?" Nay, thus the simple,
Reckoning not with things eternal.
Deeming all of life imprizoned
In a part of life called "present".
Let them be, with their delusion;
Let them sleep if they would slumber,
The shall wake - the morning cometh.

All things great have pre-existence,
And a claim on life hereafter.
Be this true of human loving?
Life and love, are they no equal,
Complement of one another?
God hath joined them. Who shall part them?
Dare Man, e'en in thought, divorce them?

Love is more than earthly longing,
Love is more than Mortal yearning,
More, far more than lover's plighting,
More than marital uniting - 

Lest a would should go unpeopled.
Love? 'Tis spirit recognition, 

Mate to mate entreating, pleading
For renewal of affection,
For continued fond communion,
Formed of yore in Some far planet, 

What is love? Can speech define it?
Love is mightier than language
Can a lesser bind a greater
Can a Brook embrace an Ocean.
(Where does this verse belong?)

I may also go to Wyoming and stay with my Cousins there for a day or son. They want me to come and said they would show me a good tme. They have a small new Nash Car, also own the Drug Sotre there, so we should have fun. 

Bravo! for Charles, the lucky stiff. Lucky in two ways, First he is where he can see you often and second he has a way to make a hit with the girls. How they flock to the fellow with the car. Guess I'll have to buy one myself. You don't know where I can get one for a Nickel do you? No, I've not scotch, simply quite broke at present. I guess thats nothing new just now though. 

Is Oliver still selling Real silk? If he is I hope he is making better in S.S. than the Real Silk fellows are around here. Nothing at all unless they want to take Milk, cheese, eggs, etc. for payments. It even looks as though I'll have to take cheese, calves and what not for some of my work. Better take the cakes up to the U and stake them out on the Campus. 

Sometimes when you're up by the Kimball Apt's drop in and see a birthday present which Hazel received. Its a nice new cedar chest I just heard about it. Her birthday was the 10th of August. 

My Brother Gordon left this morning for a Scout Camp and will be gone a week. Some fellow from S.S is here with them and Scouts from the County, Southern part of the state & a few from Utah are up our own beautiful canyon "Georgetown Canyon". I […] over car yours are […] like the canadian ones and less like the abrupt S.S. canyons with oftimes are barren & dry.

I'm enclosing, or I guess Ill write on the back of, a program for the coming school year.


Ancestor of this creation,
Formed by mutual attraction
Sanctioned by God's smile paternal,
Gift of him, a boon benignant,
Promise of a joy unending,
From a union ever enduring.

And they met - The maid, the Lover,
Evermore her fond admire adoner,
Held in fetters dear, delightsome;
Nevermore to taste of freedom
From willing thrilling thraldom.

How's this for "Mormonism"? E.M.C.


Was it chance or high intending?
Was it cruelty or kindness?
Hidden good or heartless evil,
that compelled their separation?
Had he tarried with her longer
Would the fates have changed their fortunes?
Who can tell till judgement sitteth
At the hour of all-unveiling.

Apologies to a prominent western writer. Do you know who?