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Diaries of Dorothy Smith Clark

1929 – 1934

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Diaries of Dorothy Smith Clark

1929 – 1934

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As mother is ill in bed from gas, she talks to Marv and reads to Marv and me a blessing given Father by his father Patriarch Jesse N. Smith. It was a very impressive incident to me. Helped me to more fully understand mother and Dad, in knowing what great Spirits they really are. It inspired me to live better for them and for my own salvation.

Monday, Sept 2, 1929

Marv's Labor Day Departure

Marv leaves for mission. Marv takes train to Salt Lake City to attend the Mission prep. school for 10 days after which he leaves for mission headquarters at Toronto, Ontario. Will have 4 days visit with relatives and friends.

Sunday, October 12, 1930

Oliver ordained priest by A.W. Ursenbach in Lethbridge Ward. I attend 20th ward here. (Salt Lake City)

Today Brother and Sister Lewis Rygg of Portland Oregon formerly of Lethbridge came to see us en route to Chicago where they hope to open business. Have left Gertrude and Sydney in Portland at present.

Brother and Sister George W. Green of Lethbridge have been here to Conference and have visited with their daughters Emma Thane and Viola Harris. Viola has been paralyzed for some time and mother and dad have taken over her case.

October 1930

I have met Gertrude Folsom (formerly of Cardston Alberta) who goes to 18th ward and we go to church and Mutual together. She is Freshman at U. of U. and I often write compositions and fashion plates for her to help her out in homework.

Occasionally Daphne Smith or Zola Brown come over and stay overnight with me. I have received 5th and 6th lessons in postgraduate art course, am working on 4th lesson. Am making Xmas cards to sell as I have no job yet and I need a little income of my own. Since coming here (SLC) I have heard from Ellen Neilson, Bill, Mil, Bob D., Charles Jarman.

[No date]

The music’s in your heart
And the song can’t be complete
If we keep the two apart
But when my words are
Wedded to your melody
Then the world will have a
Perfect Song of Love.

The other night our club met at Winnie Cauldwells for a candy pull. Our next is to be a theatre party on Dec. 19th.

‘Bon Soir’ diary and Sweet Dreams.

Dad’s birthday on Monday December 15th. Last Monday 8th Ellen Smith Lyon gave a farewell party for her sister Mae who is going to Honolulu to work. She has a married sister there.

December 20, 1930

Approaching Christmas and I have been spending most of time making Xmas cards. Charles Jarman sent me several orders for his L.A. friends and I have sold several dozen in Salt Lake City.

Mother returned today from Blackfoot, Idaho where she has been giving classwork in Psychology.

We are rushed preparing for Santa’s annual visit.

Have sent scarves to Marv and Oliver.

Christmas Day December 25, 1930

One of the happiest Christmases we’ve ever known and one of scrimpiest.


March 29, 1931

After Fast service today, Dad gave Don a patriarchal blessing and later in the afternoon I acted as scribe for blessings given to 3 girls of 20th Ward Gleaner class.

Brother Ballard spoke at evening services to a packed house on the subject of chastity, temple marriage, and progress after death.

A wonderful plea to righteous living and an educational sermon for young people. I took Gertrude. Write to Charles.

April 4,5,6, 1931

Semi-annual conference of the L.D.S. Church. We had a dinner honoring Canadians and the guests included Sister Harvey, Lethbridge Stake Pres. Palmer and son Delbert, Blanch Taylor, Pres. Hugh B. Brown and wife Zina and Hjaldemar Ostlund.

Br. Palmer and Delbert stayed with us part of the time during conference and we greatly enjoyed their visit.

Marv been made District President of Nova Scotia. Laboring without companion.

Friday, April 10, 1931

First oil painting

Today I took first lesson from Prof. Wildhaber. Drew figure and scene of “Armor of Righteousness” to be a reproduction of his Genealogical picture by that name. The Prof. is a non-Mormon but a very spiritual man and a broad-minded one.

Monday, April 13, 1931

Take second lesson. Finish drawing and transfer it on canvas.

Tuesday, April 14, 1931

Third lesson. Begin first picture in oils and a large one too. The Prof. has great faith in my ability, hence he is starting me on a big work using his oils.

Wednesday, April 15, 1931

Have run out of funds but am allowed to complete my picture and pay later. I have it complete except for dragon on April 17.

Friday, April 17, 1931

Dad, mother and I attended funeral of Pres. Rey L. Pratt, late beloved President of Mexican mission. Very impressive services were held in the Assembly Hall in Temple Grounds. Mexican mixed quartet figured on program and during his talk on the accomplishments of Pres. Pratt, Pres. Anthony W. Ivans addressed the Mexican section of the congregation in their native tongue.

Sunday, April 19, 1931

After Sunday School and Sacrament I visited Zola Brown in L.D.S. Hospital who is recovering from appendicitis.

Finished my painting April 25.

April 26, 1931

Received birthday greeting from Oliver, Marvin, Bill and tooled leather notebook cover from Charles Jarman, also card from Mr. W.F. Russell who celebrated his on the 26th too.

April 27, 1931

Today is Prof. Wildhaber’s 55 birthday. Took him some fruit tree blossoms. He related to me many of his hair-raising adventures while travelling thru Europe on foot as a young artist.

The Prof. has nearly completed a tempestuous storm seascape - asked me to paint (copy) an Indian figure in the foreground. Says I am first student to work on one of his pictures.

Wednesday, April 29, 1931

Mother's Psychology class, a new one, begins tonite so I have printed (lettered) several dozen registration cards for her.

Friday, May 15, 1931

Jack of all Trades. That's “I'm” Today Gert Folsom and I ground and twisted wieners in her uncles butcher shop. Also drive delivery truck for him. Some experience!

Saturday, May 16, 1931

A new experience for me. Thru my acquaintance with Prof. Wildhaber I have been made assistant secretary and shareholder of 1000 interest in a local Paint Corporation of which he is Vice Pres. and general manager. The paint is a product from the virgin soil in hills some 12 or 15 Miles from Lehi. Prof. Experimenting with paint for various purposes.

Took minutes and typed them. Typed copies of agreement etc. M. Mercer, P. Wildhaber, E. L. Jarvis and W. H. Pingel in Company. Apostle Osen F. Whitney passed away this morning after a short illness.

Sunday May 17, 1931

Mother Dad & I attended his very inspirational funeral at the Tabernacle today at 2.PM. He leaves a wife and 9 children.

Wednesday, June 3, 1931

Painted Pingel's car with company's paint.

Thursday June 4, 1931

Garland Bushman, Earl Westover & wives & Mary Westover arrived in town on pleasure tour from Joseph City, Arizona.

Saturday, June 6, 1931

Trip to Yellowstone Park.

I joined the above cousins today on a tour of Yellowstone Park. We had a fine drive. Stayed overnight with our cousin, Emma & Clinton Luke at Idaho Falls. She met some of these cousins for the first time. Arriving in Yellowstone Sunday. We saw Old Faithful, the Geyser basins & followed many beautiful & wooded mountain drives. We camped near Old Faithful Lodge in tourist Cabins. Chilly night.

Monday, June 8, 1931

We motored thru Yellowstone Canyon, a beautiful bevy of orange, red, yellow & purple colorings with many lookout points along its peaks. Also saw numerous falls - the Big Falls - “Spring” river etc. Visited Mammoth Springs & spent nite there.

Arrived home (S.L.C.) Wednesday evening after a wonderful & well-spent holiday. Cost me $3.00.

Tuesday, June 9, 1931

My cousins & I arrive home from 3-day trip to Yellowstone.

Tonite mother & Dad & I are invited to Wedding reception of John Huefner and Helen Smith (Patriarch Hyrum G. Smith's daughter.) We gave her an oil painting of the “Three Sisters” in Canadian Rockies that I painted at studio.

Wednesday, June 10, 1931

Tonite Browns had party for Zina Lou who is here from the N.W. States mission representing the M.I.A [Mutual Improvement Association] & Primaries there.

Eugene Hooper, son of Albert Hooper manager of Deseret Book Store & General board member of church Sunday School, took me to this party at request or suggestion of Sister Brown.

He is an interesting fellow (21) & said he would like to take me out again. OK with me - he has a big Buick & well I got a thrill out of this evening cause it's about the first date I've had outside of cousins & naturally I've been lonely till now what without Marv. & Oliver. - Well - - -

Thursday, June 11, 1931

Today a Bushman Reunion was held at Saratoga Springs near Lehi to which Mother, Daphne & I went. Met many of Uncle Martin's family & other Bushmans around Lehi!

Uncle Homer Bushman here from Snowflake - also Garland B. & wife, Earl W. & wife & Mary.

Aunt Myrtle Smith arrived here from Phoenix, Ariz. to represent the Y.L.M.I.A. at Conference. Conference commences.

Friday, June 12, 1931

Mary Westover, Gert Folsom & I go to Saltair. Saw George W. Green Sr. & Jr. and wives from Lethbridge. Dance with Earl Westover.

Saturday, June 13, 1931

Contest (church) tryouts afternoon & evening. Winifred Smith, Aunt Lo's youngest sang in girls chorus finals with St. George girls & came 2nd.

Hilda P. & Francis Russell from Lethbridge give us a short visit. Also Aunt Pauline Smith (Uncle Asael's wife) from Snowflake called to say “Hello!”

Sunday, June 14, 1931

General Auxiliary Conference of church, Word of Wisdom strongly stressed by lst Presidency in afternoon session.

At 5 P.M. Gene Hooper, whom I met this month from Highland Park Ward came to take me riding in his Hupmobile sedan.

Monday, June 15, 1931

Myrt. & Winnie leave for Ariz. & St George respectively.

Saturday, June20, 1931

Write to Bill, Bob, Chas. & Hod.

Sunday, June 21, 1931

Father's Day (in U.S.) Mother & Dad go to Brown's ward to hear Zina speak.

Marv's picture appears in Deseret News in a missionary group in Canada.

Floods in N.W. Alberta. Very dry & hot here in Salt Lake.

June 25, 1931

1 have cut my hair 4 inches instead of keeping it in a bob.

Monday, June 29, 1931

Today Mrs. Cluff, owner of our house 309 2nd Ave, removed furniture & we have packed ready to move as soon as we find a house? When? We live camp style for several days.

Wednesday, July 1, 1931

Dominion Day in Canada. Canadian club celebrates with night canyon party. I took Gene Hooper. Oliver enters Gilwell Scout Camp at Waterton.

Thursday, July 2, 1931

Hottest day to date 96.7 degrees. Mother, Aunt Lois & our kids spend day at Saltair & get tanned.

Saturday, July 4, 1931 Independence Day

We celebrated by moving from 309 2nd Ave, to 316 B St. I moved our belongings in Lingard delivery truck.

Met the artist Kay Russon, our neighbor, who designs yearbooks, illustrates magazines & covers & works at Paragon Printing Co.

Saturday, July 4, 1931 [separate entry]

We moved to 316 B St. are renting here till we find a permanent place. Have no furniture. (but ironing bd. & one mattress)

Date to Lagoon not kept. Earl W. couldn't find our address. Lucky me.

Sunday, July 5, 1931

Gertrude Folsom & I walk & ride trolley home from Sandy. A good lesson learned ------

Tuesday, July 7,1931

Attend meeting of Moonlight Paint Corp. stockholders at Studio 309 Scott Bldg.

Friday, July 10, 1931

Worked at Studio typing circular. Lithographed pictures “Armor of Righteousness” for books of Remembrance.

Bernice Rammell, a 15yr. old student of Prof. has some fun with me conversing with & throwing notes & caricatures to two handsome fellows in an office across the lane from Scott Bldg.

Oliver & Chas. have been at Gilwell Scout camp at Koutenai Lakes since July lst. I wrote to Oliver at Waterton Lakes, Alberta on July 2, 1931.

Mother & Dad & Aunt Lois spend an eve at Saltair.

Saturday, July 11, 1931

Gert and I work at butcher shop & deliver. Earn $1.00 each.

Sunday, July 12, 1931

Sunday School at 18th ward.

Funeral of Ray Miller of Claresholm (auto accident victim) today.

I heard Reed Smoot speak in 20th Ward tonite.

[Separate entry)

Art Bishop comes over after church. Serious to limit & almost proposed. ha! ha!

Monday July 13, 1931

Type letters at studio. Gert leaves for week holiday at Ogden & Como Springs.

We have now located in a big 7 roomed home 41 E. lst N. I moved things in Lingard's truck. We have a huge back yard on a hill with grape vines and fruit trees. An ideal home which we hope to buy.

Covered Wagon Days approach (July 24) & employee's of ZCMI are wearing pioneer attire. Men of all ages growing beards.

Dad moves office from 321 to 409 Templeton and I lettered his name on door.

Tuesday, July 14, 1931

Mrs. Lingard moved into our office at 321. Lettered her door also.

Wednesday, July 15, 1931

Professor has charge of painting 22 large Swiss emblems for forthcoming Swiss celebration. I am to help him.

Go to Saltair with cousin Daphne Smith.

July 16, 17, 1931

Swim & tennis with Dot Jones on 13th Ave. and work on emblems.

July 18, 1931

Take children on hike to 13th Ave. hills. Swim at Dencker’s pool (Swiss decorator).

Letters from Howard, Chas. and Melvin S.

Saturday, July 19, 1931

18th Ward to Sunday School. Mother meets a Canadian missionary who knew Marv. & his nephew of Sr. Lloyd, one of mother's friends.

Monday, July 20, 1931

Wayward tonite. Met “Red” Edmund Stewart (?) - car-ride. See fire of old Brewery.

Thursday, July 23, 1931

Mother's sister, Aunt Maria & children Beth, Marie & Derryfield arrive from Washington D.C. for a 2 weeks visit.

Friday, July 24, 1931 Pioneer Day

Big celebration of Covered Wagon Days. Hottest day yet. 105.4 degrees in shade. Watch parade & spend afternoon in park (Liberty) with Aunt Maria & cousins. Erma White comes over for evening.

(2nd day of 3-day Pioneer Celebration) {Erma meets Elder Kerkseik thru Derry S. and later marries him.}

Saturday, July 25, 1931

Temp. of 103 degrees but on Main St. nearly 112 or 115 degrees.

At studio today I met an I. E. Hansen, former Cardstonian who is interesting directors of our Moonlight Paint Corp. in buying mining claims in Idaho.

“Spirit of Progress”, a Pioneer pageant at “U” stadium. I didn't attend.

Sunday, July 26, 1931

Gen. pioneer service at Tabernacle in A.M. P.M. church service. All past week streets have been colorfully decorated with bunting & pioneer atmosphere.

Monday, July 27, 1931

Bushman Reunion at Liberty Park today. Afterwards I went to Saltair with Aunt Maria, Derry and the girls.

Tuesday, July 28, 1931

This morning Don and I went to Arther Bishop’s to see his Bug and Butterfly collection. Bishops are members of mothers Psychology classes and ‘Art’ is a newly returned missionary from N.W. States and Hawaii. Not so striking himself but he seems to have fallen ever so slightly for me. Did you ever! Too serious

Friday, July 31, 1931

Today I worked at desk in studio. Later in afternoon Gert and I went to Saltair with two nice fellows, photographers for Fox News (NewYork), whom I met a few days ago at Beck’s pool. Jim Porter and Leo Orr. Swim and float in Great Salt Lake for 1st time in my life. Return and swim awhile at Beck’s taking pictures with their submarine camera.

Tonite we moved 3 loads of belongings to our new home, 41 E. 1st North. I drove Lingard’s truck.

Saturday, August 1

We moved to 41 E. lst North A beautiful big home, 7-room, with huge back yard & fruit trees. Thankful to have a place to move around in. We're renting “furnished”. Hope to buy. $50.00 a month. Helped Lingard deliver meat to pay for use of truck.

Sunday August 2, 1931

Went to our new ward “Capitol Hill” (600 members) 4 yrs old. Beautiful new chapel - west of capitol. Hear talk on Pyramids by James Anderson.

Tuesday, August 4, 1931

Prof. Wildhaber has sold several hundred pictures (Swiss lithographed) to Deseret Book Store. “Armor of Righteousness.”

Thursday He leaves for 2 week Vacation to Hansen's farm in Idaho.

Friday. August 7, 1931

Benjamin B. Stringham, author of “Natural Government.” comes from Idaho with his 2 daughters to stay awhile.

I had my eyebrows dyed & plucked to see how I look with brunette features. {Mother's idea, has beautician friend}

July 8, 1931

Don goes to Granddaddy Lakes (resort near S.L.) with Ensign Stake Scouts.

August 9, 1931

Sunday School at Capitol Hill. Maria & family & their half sister Ellen S. Lyon came over for dinner. {Family too} Fred Bushman's to dinner tonite but I didn't go.

Monday, Aug 10, 1931

Marv took ocean trip over to Prince Edward Island from New Brunswick last week. Says it's a beautiful isolated peace loving country where the old-fashioned ideals are kept & little modernism is evident.

Got card from Jim Flake in Chicago, en route to Central States mission.


March 1, 1933

Start collecting for Treasures of Truth.

March 4, 1933

Ends Ist week as clerk at Kress. Earn $7.90

March 5, 1933

German missionary service with Lon Hansen. Broke up.

March 8, 1933

Oliver is 20 today. Sophomore at U. La Rue and I spend evening at Ellsworth's, N. Main. I dropped into “Life Class” on Main and sketched 1/2 hour.

March 9, 1933

Posed at Knaphus studio for a head to be used in Utah Parks' monument.

March 12, 1933

Don 16 today. Nearly Oliver's size.

April 13, 1933

Hiked to east Ensign Flats at 6 A.M. with Ellsworth. Stayed at his place with his sisters last night. A beautiful day - we even got a little sunburn. {played hooky from store - excused myself}

This afternoon I began a new job which I will keep during Easter rush. Am writing (icing) names on candy eggs at the cookie counter.

April 14, 1933

Worked all day writing on Easter eggs again.

Sunday April 16. 1933


Attended S.S. Easter Service [at] Highland Park Ward. Lessons on Church History - succession of Joseph Smith by Brigham Young.

Ellsworth spent afternoon and evening here. Easter Cantata presented by choir.

Monday April 17, 1933

Had tonsils removed with local by Dr. Stuckey (or Stucki) this morning at medical Arts Bldg. (NDA scrip $25.00) [Natural Development Association] Dad was witness - I came home at 4 P.M. Ellsworth visited me and “brot” pink roses which scented my room for a week.

April 18, 19, 20, 1933

This week spent in relaxation and recuperation from tonsil operation.

April 21, 1933

Alonzo Hansen called on me today prior to leaving with friends for New York where he is offered work and hopes to attend following that, the George Washington University at Washington, D.C. His hopes are to extend his education that he might demand a better position in life.

We parted as the best of friends. I have known Lon 8 1/2 months during which time we have hiked, played tennis, danced and gone to church together. I see an attractive and dominating personality in him and have gradually increased my admiration and respect for him. He speaks of me as being foremost in his affections tho neither of us contend seriously. I hope our friendship continues. (He has decided I think, that he is now 2nd to Ellsworth in my thoughts.)

Sunday April 23, 1933

Went by Orem Electric to annual Springville Art Exhibit with T.S. Knaphus, sculptor. Spent 3 hours in Provo, sight-seeing on our way back to S.L.C. Took kodak snaps on B.Y.U. campus.

This was a very interesting day for me and rather an outstanding one I suppose, inasmuch as I was so kindly favored and well treated by one so prominent in his sphere.

En route he gave me valuable instructions and criticisms on art. Urges strongly that I begin to busy myself with “oils” and harness the talent he believes lies dormant. (I hope to do this soon, as I have been so inspired today)

Left Knaphus at 8 P.M. to finish the day with Ellsworth. Youth does have its preferences.

Wednesday, April 26, 1933

This being my 22nd birthday anniversary.

And being 22 is the same as being 21 as far as feeling is concerned, but each new year offers a new incentive and I have firmly decided to show noticeable improvements in this one.

I can't be grateful enough for my present position in this life.

Wonderful parents, ideal environments, opportunities to improve my talents, temporal position and many good friends.

Was thoughtfully remembered by Mother with a satin bedspread, T.S. Knaphus with a student “oil” point case, Ellsworth with a lovely gold bracelet, initialed and all the children with kind acts.

Of course I spent the evening with my ultra-best friend, Ellsworth, and we drove in the canyon.

Friday, April 28, 1933

Favored April is soon to pass. The days have been both cloudy and fair.

Similarly have those in my life, or should I say my mental life.

This month I have spent happy evenings with Ellsworth, hiked, worked and dreamt. But my accomplishments have been too few - next month must show definite increase of work.

Saturday, April 29, 1933

Typical April Showers.

Worked till 6:30 at the store from whence I went to meet Ellsworth at Penney's and with whom I saw the show which took the lid off my ambitions and loosed the bars that caged my spirit.

“Six Hours to Live” in which a man brought back to life for 6 hours thru scientific rays, briefly but impressively hints of the Hereafter - its' joys limitless opportunities, enlightenment dissolves the popular superstition of fear of death and points out that earth life is, but an intermediate experience leading to a much broader and more beautiful plane of existence.

Thursday, May 4, 1933

This week I began painting a copy in oil with my new oil set. Am working in the studio mornings copying a landscape picture of T.S. Knaphus.

Weather has been rainy so indoor work is most favorable. When warmer days come I will make some outdoor sketches.

Dad and the boys have planted a large garden in rear of our place.

Friday, May 5, 1933

June Adele's eleventh birthday. She had a house party and received some lovely gifts.

Tonite Marv and I and Hazel Clark saw the Capitol Hill operetta “In the Garden of the Shaw” in which Ellsworth took a part. Ellsworth and I went to Hatch's after where a group of us played games.

Saturday, May 6, 1933

Lunched with Ellsworth at 6:30 and spent the evening in town.

Sunday, May 7, 1933

Attended Sunday School at Highland Park Ward. Paid 1.55 on tithing for 2 weeks. Virgil confirmed by Dad in Fast Service today. Heard Reed Smoot's tabernacle address on the Personality of God.

Tonight Marv and Oliver took part in MMen Conjoint program at Highland Park. Oliver gave contest talk on slogan. Marv spoke on tithing and also sang in MMen quartet.

Sunday, May 14, 1933

“Mothers Day”

The family is all at home and in good health. Our Mother is more wonderful every year and we certainly couldn't do without her. She has taught me early and exemplified the life I should lead. Thankful she is in good health.

Tuesday, May 16, 1933

Stake Honor night at Granite Stake House. Oliver wins Stake M Man speech.

Sunday, May 21, 1933

Elder Reed Smoot visiting speaker. In M.I.A. evening session Oliver and other winners Of Stake speech contests delivered the talks in admirable manner.

Tuesday, May 23, 1933

Closing dance of 1933 M.I.A. season. Highland Park Ward.

Thursday, May 25, 1933

Tonite Mother and Dad went to the Temple with a large group of the Smiths and helped in sealing of 2 children to parents. Mother said it was a marvelous experience. I will be glad when I become engaged in the same kind of work.

Friday May 26, 1933

Evelyn Western, Deseret, niece of Mrs. Williams joined Marv, Oliver and I at the Stake Senior Class dance at Granite Stake House.

Saturday, May 27, 1933

Rode to work with T. Albert Hooper and Bishop David A. Smith. Heavy day at Kress's. Spent evening here at home [on] Highland Drive with Ellsworth. Don took us a-canoeing in his flat boat in the canal. Mother and Dad are at N.D.A. meeting at Stringhams.

Marv and Oliver [have] gone with girls to a dance at opening of new administration building at S.L.C. airport.

Ellsworth and I discuss seriously on marriage. Decide on prompt engagement.

Sunday, May 28, 1933

Took a May walk at 6 A.M. with Ellsworth. Gathered flowers and blossoms from Fairmont Park and Forest Dale.

Sunday School at Highland Park Ward. Pay 3 weeks tithing $2.37.

Monday, May 29, 1933

Oliver wins MMen speech when he triumphed over 6 other contestants tonite. (Granite Stake)

Tuesday, May 30, 1933


Monday, June 5, 1933

Yesterday, June 4 and today, Ellsworth attended his graduating services and exercises as a graduate of the University of Utah. I was at work and could not attend.

He received degree of Bachelor of Science and is now qualified to teach in High Schools.

Tuesday, June 6, 1933

This evening I went with Ellsworth to the University of Utah Alumni Banquet and Ball. Wore my yellow georgette formal dress used in dancing contest last year.

Friday, June 9, 1933

This past week I have been working in decorating department of Kress Store. Believe this will become my permanent position.

This evening Ellsworth and I strolled thru Memory Grove beneath the Capitol. The flowers are blooming in profusion and the evening is balmy and scented. The moon bright.

Saturday, June 10, 1933

25th Silver Wedding Anniversary of Mother and Dad.

In the evening the whole family gathered together to sing songs. Mother and Dad look younger and happier than ever. They have accomplished so much and make such a success of life that I have a great deal to live up to make a record such as theirs. I pray for strength to do this.

Later in the evening, Ellsworth and Sister Clark came to visit with us. This is Sister Clark's first visit with my folks. We had an enjoyable evening.

Final contest tryouts at Conference at tabernacle.

Sunday, June 11, 1933

Final day of M.I.A. and Primary Conference of the Church.

I came out in the Fairmont Park grove this morning to read Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants instead of going to Sunday School.

Tabulated some of my resolutions for the year. Ellen Nielsen, my friend from Lethbridge Ward was here for conference representing Lethbridge Stake. [later added] (died - appendicitis about 1936?}

June 12, 1933

About this time Ellsworth returned to Idaho for the summer.

He had been there but 2 weeks when I decided to take a week-end vacation from work at Kress so I borrowed a car {NDA?} drove Sister Clark and Lois and June up to Georgetown on a Sunday morning. Rode horse, went to canyon with a group of his friends. Ellsworth returned with us on a Tuesday. A happy visit.

June 13, 1933

This summer Ellsworth spent in Salt Lake. Helped Dad and Oliver in garden and stayed at our place for awhile.

Cousin, Winnie Smith, Vera Palmer and Aunt Lois often came out to sew on quilts with Mother and me. Make a blue and peach one for my Wedding and a floral (daisy) appliquéd also.

June 25, 1933

Mother's Birthday

She looks so young and is so active we rate her age as about 36. This is as old as I have ever thought her, except for her unusual brilliance and wide accomplishments. She's only as old as she feels so we'll take her word for the figures. I don't keep track.

Enough to say she grows dearer each year, acquires hundreds of new friends and adds volumes to her mental library. And she's still Dad's lovable romancing Sweetheart. What a happy environment they create for us children!

July 24, 1933

Grandma Smith has been with us awhile this summer.

Today, Virgil, Lois, June and I dressed in old clothes and pushing wheelbarrow with magazines and lunch (representing pioneers) went back of our place to Forest Dale [Fairmont] Park, sat in shade by the spring and listened to Grandma tell of trip to Europe in 1931 with

Gold Star Mothers. [Mothers whose sons died in WorldWar I were invited to France. She lost son, Lehi.]

September 1, 1933

Ellsworth worked today at Penney's and will stay on next week also.

September 2, 1933

At last I feel an integral part of S.H. Kress & Co. where I have been employed since March and decorating since May. {given sign-writer's job & more pay - May 1934}

Working there is 2nd nature and now that I am getting my bearings and learned a few lessons I feel fairly capable.

Sunday, September 3, 1933

Granite Stake Conference. I attended 3 sessions in Stake house-2 of them with Mother and Ellsworth. J. Rueben Clark is representative from authorities.

Monday, September 4. 1933 LABOR DAY

Grandmother Smith, Uncle George and wife and family left today for Snowflake Arizona where she will continue temple work and he will teach school.

(Received from Charles Jarman Sept 5, 1933) (selected

What to us is gibe or frown?

What have we to cast us down?

Soul! Arise! assume thy crown

Turn thy features from the wall

Make the statue grand and tall

See! the Lord is over all.

Tuesday, September 5, 1933

Today I have turned a new leaf. I am going to be livelier, younger, more obliging, obedient, humble, efficient and faithful.

I am beginning today to grasp the precious minutes in which to accomplish my desired hobbies.

Life is wonderful and should be especially so to me what with my clean heritage, perfect parental guidance, creative talents and perceptive nature.

I am going to develop new arts in my store work, continue in clay modeling, designing and painting, also work on personal record and family needs.

Was invited to Knaphus studio this evening where be showed me a newly-designed model of the shaft for the Hill Cumorah Monument.

We ate some ice-cram there and talked of my doing some more painting there and maybe helping him with some new panels. Thrilled about getting into that work again.

Sister Ella Clark's 46th birthday today. Saw her.

Monday, October 2, 1933

Ellsworth took me to a show after which we missed the last street car.

We then decided to take our time so ordered a full course dinner at the Latches and walked out to my place 2368 Highland Drive from Main St.

A Full Moon and a Romantic night. Walked thru Forest Dale over fallen leaves and among moon-streaked trees. Arrived 3:30 AM.

Ellsworth slept here. (spare room.)

Tuesday October 3, 1933

I handed him a poem this morning that I wrote on waking (of the night just passed)

We rode to town.

Talked of tentative winter plans.

We would like to be married before Christmas but can't plan definitely until a substantial position is secured.

We see each other so often, Mr. Miller the window decorator thinks I'm married now I believe.

Sunday, October 8, 1933

It was about this time (October Conference) that Aunt Adele Westover, Aunt Lily and Uncle Wesley Palmer, mother's sisters came from Joseph City and Mesa to Salt Lake City.

Aunt Lois Smith and Winnie were here from Provo so we took some family pictures on the Temple grounds and Mother had them here for dinner one evening.

Garland and Beth Smith being here from Washington D.C. we held a Bushman Reunion at our home during the week at which a representative of each family gave a report. Mother presided.

Garland related inspiring incidents relative to his recent Swiss-German Mission, also his experience in opening, as a lone missionary, the Spanish Mission. It was a wonderful and beautifully told story.

Garland is the finest of returned missionaries I have seen or heard in his gracious spirit, humble sincerity and powerful speaking.

Vera Palmer, returned but a year from the North Western States mission related some high spots in her experience which also were sincere and inspiring.

Tuesday, October 10, 1933

Vera and Ellsworth stayed at our home overnight.

In bed Vera related many inspiring stories of missionary life. I asked questions and her intelligent sincere answers so inspired me with the value and power of a missionary experience in a person's life that I firmly resolved to gather my efforts from that day on to help myself or others to enter the field.

From this night on I have held Vera nearer and dearer to my heart. Her sincerity and intelligence have impressed me to do more myself.

Wednesday, October 11, 1933

Today on the streetcar going to town, (Ellsworth to home, and I to work, I related my happy experience with Vera the night before.

Told him I had made up my mind that one or both of us was going this very winter. (on mission)

I can't describe how thrilled I was with this new conception of the worth of God's work and the desire I had to impart it to those in darkness.

Thursday, October 12, 1933

Granite Stake Temple Day

A memorable day in my life. I took my endowment this night in the Salt Lake Temple.

Mother, Sister Clark and Ellsworth were also there.

It was all sacred and wonderful to me gave me such a broad and clear outlook on life and the future.

Gave me more self-confidence to feel I was on the Lord's side and preparing myself to help others to get there also.

Ellsworth has been doing Temple work since last November 1932 so I felt I would like to do the same in order that we might understand each other better.

Friday, October 13, 1933

Witnessed Temple marriage of cousin Marie Palmer to Walter Horne, a fine returned missionary from 18th Ward - S.L.C.

This was my second session at the Temple and my first time to witness a Temple Wedding.

Ellsworth and I were thrilled to think and know we too would some day kneel at the same altar.

Endowment for Anna.

My recommend signed by Bishop Burton and President H.B. Brown of Highland Park Ward and Granite Stake.

Sunday, October 15, 1933

Ellsworth spends afternoon at our place and we attend evening church in Highland Park Ward.

We are still discussing plans for a mission, tho' we've confided it to no one else as yet.

Thursday, October 19, 1933

Busy at the store finishing Halloween decorations.

I enjoy decorating tremendously now and feel at home on whatever job I am working tho it be new.

Thursday, November 2, 1933

We have completed our calculations, Ellsworth and I, and discovered the possibility whereby he might perform a 6 month mission starting in December this year!

He plans to return in June, take summer school and prepare to teach next year to enable us to buy a home for two before another Christmas if possible.

Our plans are sincere tho uncertain.

Until the Day we'll at least be striving as one in spirit and purpose.

Saturday, November 12, 1933

I have Christmas card orders to fill for Torleif S. Knaphus in return for clay which he gave me for modeling.

He certainly has inspired me and been a great help in pushing me, as it were, along the road to accomplishment.

I don't know many other grown people who have so influenced me to good and been as companionable.

Sunday, November 13, 1933

Ellsworth and I are gradually becoming closer in our thoughts and plans.

Late in October he spoke to Bishop George C. Lloyd of Capitol Hill [Ward] about a call to the mission field for a short term.

He was given permission and instruction to prepare himself to go.

Monday, November 14, 1933

For the past two weeks Ellsworth has worked at Penney’s.

We see one another almost every day. It's necessary to my good health.

Tuesday, November 15, 1933

Ellsworth receives a call from President Heber J. Grant to go to Western States Mission in Colorado which he accepts gladly.

Will enter Missionary Home Nov. 21st.

Wednesday, November 16, 1933

Oliver is busy directing a Mutual play for December. Also playing in cast of 2 plays at the University.

I am still busy and happy at Kress. Am chumming with Vera Palmer more lately.

Thursday, November 17, 1933

Ellsworth, Sister Clark and I went thru Temple again, our last chance before he leaves. Did work for ____Streit.

Margaret and Vernon Ferre there also-

November 18, 1933

Marv wrote Ellsworth a letter of advice and encouragement in regards to the mission he is about to enter.

He seemed very happy also as to the call Ellsworth had received.

Monday, November 21, 1933

Ellsworth with about 96 other elders and girls entered the Mission Home today.

He is duly thrilled and inspired in the new spirit of his work.

Friday, November 24, 1933

Lois is 14 today. A tall handsome, fine young lady. We gave her some pieces of jewelry and a birthday cake.

She is almost an equal to her big sister in reasoning powers. She's grown close to me of late and we have enjoyable and confidential chats together. She is lst lady to Ellsworth and me - quite the schemer but sweet and generous and dutiful.

Tonite, Helen, Iris, Vera Palmer, Elder Christensen, Ellsworth and I went to Thanksgiving dance at Capitol Hill. [Ward]

Fine time - won cake on Helen's ticket so had refreshment after. Retired 1:30 AM. Our last dance for awhile.

Saturday November 25, 1933

Still decorating for Xmas at Kress.

Saw Ellsworth after work.

Sunday, November 26, 1933

I went to town this afternoon to go to church with Clarks at Capitol Hill. [Ward] Ellsworth offered benediction.

I met Elder Lloyd from Idaho, also at the Mission Home.

Monday, November 27, 1933

I went to Gleaner shower for Gwenith Judd at Ruth Bywater's.

Got booby prize for Whist (soap twins) Will keep for further reference.

Ellsworth at Social at Mission Home.

Tuesday, November 28, 1933

Went to Mutual tonight - Worked on Xmas cards.

Wednesday, November 29, 1933

Ellsworth's farewell testimonial in Capitol Hill Ward.

He spoke splendidly. We, his friends and relatives were more than proud of him.

Received $25.00 contributions, 10.00 of which was sent to other Capitol Hill missionaries for Xmas. Afterwards Vera told us more of her experiences in mission.

Ellsworth leaves mission home today 97 were at “Home” this time.

Thursday, November 30, 1933


Tonight Ellsworth and I went to see “Torch Singer” with Iris and Elder Hymus. Then spent evening at our place.

Ellsworth spent the morning with us. We were invited to turkey with Hazel C. Sonzini and Clark's.

Friday December 1. 1933

Ellsworth leaves for Western States Mission.

I worked till 4 PM at Kress. Dined at Clarks with all their family.

Ellsworth has a new suit, hat and overcoat now ready for his journey.

At the D. & R.G. [Denver and Rio Grande] depot at 9.00 PM tonight he left with 37 other missionaries, he and Elder Howell being in charge of the group en route. To see him off were his family, Bishop George C.Lloyd, Fred Thompson and Vera Palmer and I.

A chilly, thrilly night and everyone is happy.

Vera and I gave him the combination church works as parting wish.

Saturday December 2, 1933

Finish work on Xmas decorations at Kress today. I have decorated more than my share of trees this year - about 24 in all - fun? - you bet!

A long day - don't feel exactly lonesome but something seems lacking. Of course I have the answer. I won't be seeing Ellsworth today nor for some months - but I'm happy along with him in his new undertaking.

Read “The Cedar Box”. Wrote Gertrude, F. Jensen, Marv and Grandma.

Mother is sewing Xmas things for N.D.A. [Natural Development Association]

Sunday, December 3, 1933

Attended Sunday School and fast service. Paid some back-tithe for Marv. I feel especially grateful today for opportunities Ellsworth and I are having of helping each other and the world at large.

Thankful for our peaceful home, health and the love of friends - for my close association with the Clarks and above all for the directing hand and inspiration of God in the lives of Ellsworth and myself.

He has been gracious and understanding - helped us to cooperate in facing life - helped us to find the one real Love - that of sacrifice and true devotion.

Monday, December 4, 1993

Yesterday, Sun., I went with the Highland Park Gleaners to Gwenith

Judd's trousseau tea. She is one of finest of our Gleaners, is marrying a “Thorne” on Dec. 9 and moving to Springville.

Did some decoration on Gleaner tribute book for Sr. Irene Wooton, former teacher who has been ill.

In Conjoint Sun. nite had a beautiful discourse on Faith and God's inevitableness by Dr. Adam S. Bennion.

Felt wonderfully new in spirit. Spoke to Bishop Burton about joining ward missionary workers.

I began reading New Testament and the Way to Perfection. (Joseph Fielding Smith)

Received first letter from Ellsworth telling of his fine trip. I answered it. Saw Sister Clark. Virgil tickled with card from Ellsworth.

Tuesday, December 5, 1933

Attended Mutual. Bishop Burton addressed M-Men and Gleaners on subject of Sincerity. Scenes filmed of Ab Jenkin's (Salt Laker) world record auto racing on Salt flats. Jenkins also spoke in person. A thrilling undertaking.

He drove 24 hours at average speed of 117 miles an hour. Outran an aeroplane.

Wednesday, December 6, 1933

I have begun work on Valentine decorations for S.H. Kress this week. Certainly interesting work.

Printed (hand lettered) some charts for B.B. Stringham tonite.

Thursday, December 7, 1933

Charles Jarman arrived in S.L.C. from Canada en route to California. We bought some leather for my Treasures of Truth which he is going to tool.

Tonite I designed some men's pocket books and he tooled.

Strange yet not so strange how all my former friends are so depreciated since my knowing Ellsworth. No one can measure up to him.

Friday, December 8, 1933

I helped Noel Miller (Kress window decorator) with a Xmas window today.

Charles Jarman signed over his guitar into my keeping for a season.

He left for California today to study there this winter.

Had a short visit with Sister Clark and Iris.

Saturday, December 9, 1933

Tonight I finished work at the store at 4 PM. Am quite thrilled with the Valentine displays I am making.

Found 2 letters from Ellsworth waiting at home. He is assigned to labor in and help open a permanent branch in Colorado Springs, Colorado. His companion, Elder Howell is a former missionary (married) and also from Idaho.

He is harnessed right into the work now. Talks very enthused and reassures me of his devotion.

It makes me more than happy and grateful to know that he is doing so well and is so enthused in the work.

Sunday, December 10, 1933

Attended Sunday School in Highland Park. Pictures were taken in Sunday School assembly for the purpose of showing examples of S.S. worth throughout the church.

Iris Clark and Vera Palmer spend afternoon with me and go to church. Choir gives musical program.

After church Vera and I spoke to Bishop Spillsbury about joining Ward Missionary group. May begin in this work in January. 12 Elders but no Sisters at present in H. Park district. Vera stays all night.

Monday, December 11, 1933

Tonight, Mother, Vera, Rowena Moncur and I went thru temple together. Crowded session.

Worked for Lucia W. Webster.

It gives me a satisfied and happy feeling to know I have helped someone who cannot do so for herself.

Temple work will be a boon to me this winter in helping pass the time while Ellsworth is away.

Vera and I begin planning course of study for missionary work.

Tuesday, December 12, 1933

Warm Spring weather.

Mutual at Highland Park. Took out Era subscription for 1934.

Gleaners presented scrap book of Tributes to Sister Irene Wooton, teacher of past year who has been ill.

Wednesday, December 13, 1933

After work at 5 PM. I delivered 1 1/2 dozen Christmas cards to T.S. Knaphus, had a lunch and chat with him in the Studio till 7 P.M.

Then I invited him to accompany Dad, Mother, Lois and I to the University of Utah where Oliver was performing in 2 of 4 one-act plays by play classes.

Spent enjoyable evening - fine performances. Returned home in cab 12.15 AM.

Sister Brown and Zola are our quests at the play also.

Cousin Lawrence Monson killed today leaving 3 girls and 3 boys and wife. Funeral Sunday.

Thursday, December 14, 1933

Worked till 1:30 P.M. Shopped for Xmas. Visited at Clark's a few minutes. Came home to work on cards and Xmas preparations.

Found Mother making chocolates for Ellsworth's Christmas.

Don and I practiced fiddle and piano. Are learning some new classics together.

Practiced at Spencer Cornwall’s tonite for Angel chorus in Xmas S.S. pageant.

A little rain and wet snow tonight. Chilly. Lawrence Monson (relative) killed yesterday on bicycle. Leaves family of 6.

Friday, December 15, 1933

Dad's Birthday.

The family did his usual morning chores and gave him some extra service today. We had Birthday dinner for him at 7 P.M. All home but Marv. Home Evening - I prayed.

Dad is growing younger and more spirited every day - the ideal of all of us. Marv wrote a beautiful letter of tribute.

Today was an exceptionally happy day for me also. Mr. Jahries (manager at Kress) gave me permission to hire a helper so am getting Olive Knaphus, 18.

Saw Le Roy Freeman working at Kress. Fred Huefner and Gayle Hatch.

Saturday, December 16, 1933

A busy day at Kress. 100 new clerks hired for rush. I cleaned my cupboards and straightened.

Next week Mrs. Potter McGee comes back to help a bit. Olive Knaphus comes on Monday to help me and perhaps also Connie Gunnarson.

Went to see Clark's a few minutes.

Olive Knaphus comes over for a few instructions.

Sunday, December 17, 1933

At 11 AM this day Dad, Mother and I went to Monson's home to see the deceased, Lawrence, father of the family - then to funeral at 10th ward. Uncle Nephi, D. Udall and others spoke fine praises and honors were paid Brother Monson an honest, courageous, optimistic virtuous man - active in church duties.

During funeral and burial at Pleasant Grove, Ellen Lyon, Priscilla Smith and I got dinner for them, and with other relatives stayed there with them till 8:30 P.M.

Kennith, 19, just returned from C.C.C. May work in city. Genevieve 17, a wonderful girl.

I met Joseph W. Smith and Albert Smith father and brother of Mary S. Monson.

Monday December 18, 1933

Today Olive Knaphus, 18, began working as my assistant on permission of Jahries the manager as we are rushed in Valentine preparation. Was thrilled to think I could help her as I have been wanting to chum with her also. Mrs. Knaphus died 2 years ago the 13 of December. Left 7 in family.

Stayed up till 2 AM finishing cards for Ellsworth and I. Wrote Ellsworth.

Mrs. Jahries, wife of Kress manager gave me two photos to tint today. Was quite thrilled with the offer - as she was very gracious. We mailed Ellsworth's Xmas parcel, - shirt, tie, cake, chocolates, books and money.

Received letter today with snaps.

Tuesday, December 19, 1933

Two one-act plays presented at Mutual tonight, Oliver directing one of them. Gleaners rehearse carols for visit to T.B. (Hospital) ward next Sunday PM.

Miss Potter, (Mrs. McGee) former decorator came to store yesterday to help Miller with Valentine window. I cut some dolls out for her today. (Electric jigsaw) Olive and I cut and painted hearts for ledge fixtures.

Worked on cards at home and wrote Ellsworth. Sent $5.00.

Knaphus called last night for a few minutes to voice appreciation. I certainly admire him.

Wednesday, December 20, 1933

Worked and shopped and made more Xmas cards.

Friday, December 22, 1933

Work for Xmas preparation. Busy with Valentines at store. Olive Knaphus working with me.

Saturday, December 23, 1933

A big rush at Kress and all over the city. Business seems good. I finished shopping at 7:30. Visited Ellsworth's folks for awhile came home and finished wrapping parcels & mailing cards.

Made about 4 or 5 dozen for us this year besides 2 1/2 dozen for Knaphus. Have been extra busy. Sent Ellsworth box of mother's chocolates. His folks sent a cake, shirt, tie and hankies and candy.

His companion has gone home to his wife for Xmas. (Idaho)

Sunday, December 24, 1933

We all went to Sunday School to see Christmas pageant under supervision of Spencer Cornwall - A beautiful presentation. (Oliver was reader) A crowded church..

At home this PM. Dad and the 3 big boys learned a few quartets I accompanied.

It seems so good to have everyone home and well. We have a lovely tree and a fine Xmas ahead.

Olive Knaphus came over this evening to visit with me.

Monday, December 25, 1933


Merry Christmas!

The happiest and best we have had yet. Marv came home, from Government C.C.C. camp Saturday nite December 23rd. Weather dry and mild, everything ideal. All well, beautiful home and blessed temporally. I arose early with the children to see them open presents, then retired until 11 AM.

Joseph Robinson and Benjamin B. Stringham and family had dinner with us after which we entertained with singing and readings. Marv, Oliver and Don, triplets now in height dolled up and went to a show in Sugar House.

I stayed home to write to Ellsworth, whose companion has gone home for Xmas. I received many lovely gifts - Apron - Lois, Shoe rack and hose - Santa, Scarf - Oliver, Letter opener - Ellsworth, Undies - Mrs. Clark, Hanky-holder Virgil, Chocolates - T.S. Knaphus and Olive, Bible Stories - Mother.

Tuesday, December 26, 1933

Work at 11 AM. Didn't feel so well with cold and tooth ache. Letter from Ellsworth.. Visited Clarks. Vera and I and Lois went to West High Christmas cheer program. Vera and I may do missionary work for Jefferson ward, Granite Stake.

Wednesday, December 27, 1933

Felt more like working today. Lois helped me at store. Still having dry Spring weather while Canada and East suffer with 20 degrees below. Received Xmas card from Gertrude Jensen, Clara Hart, Elder Howell, Bill, Charles, Mary W, Dorothy Pearson, Ellsworth. Wrote a long Christmas news letter to Ellsworth. Sent $10.00 worth of love. Stayed home and wrote. Marv gone to dance with Gayle Hatch. Oliver to practice, Don to see a new girl - yes his first one.

Thursday, December 28, 1933

Olive and I go to University to Varsity play (Xmas Cheer)

Friday, December 29, 1933

Went with Aunt Lois, Winnie and June and Iris Clark to Xmas Cheer program at West High.

Marv and Harold Shields also with us. Harold stays over night.

Saturday, December 30, 1933

Busy at store. Mrs. Elva Porter MacGee, Connie Gunnerson, Olive and I all busy on Valentines.

After work I met Lois, June and Reah Williams and Mr. Knaphus and 2 little daughters and all went to South High to dance program. (Xmas cheer).

Came home and saw the remainder of Don's dancing party. We borrowed a radio and danced downstairs.

Marv Dad, Don, Oliver, Mother and I gather in the master's bedroom and talk and listen to radio till 1 AM.

Sunday, December 31, 1933

A typical Spring day. Rained last nite. I went to depot with Vera Palmer at 8 AM to meet her missionary friend from Montana, Gene Murphy. Then called on Olive Knaphus, came home to dinner. Harold Shields (Lethbridge) here from Logan A.C. with Marv. Called on Alta Cummings.

Wrote to Ellsworth.

Apostle George Albert Smith (one of our cousins) gave a wonderful New Year's address - enumerating the things for which we ought to be thankful - helping us to realize the great advantages we have over the world in knowing the meaning of existence which gives us strength to shun the foolish and thoughtless acts of our ignorant brethren. We all attended and were inspired. Oliver administered the bread.

January 1, 1934

Today was a beautiful Spring morning - quiet, calm warm and dry.

Last night after church Marv, Oliver and I and Harold Shields (Lethbridge) went with a group of young people to home of Alta Cummins where we played table games and were served salad and cake.

Came to our place at 1 AM and danced in lower amusement room till about 4 AM. Lovely dry weather. We all had an enjoyable time – even I despite absence of Ellsworth.

Tuesday, January 2, 1934

The big part of the store decorations are finished now and I and Olive are trimming sections. Got more rest tonight. Haven't made any written resolutions, but have a number in mind.

I entertained Marv’s friend Earnest Dempkey (an interior decorator) from Marv's camp, while Marv visited with Alice Pollock (his newest girl friend.) Retired late.

Marv and Earnest left at 4 AM. Wednesday 3rd for Glendale again.

Wednesday, January 3. 1934

After work I called on and visited with Sister Clark.

Mutual - Brother Leroy C. Snow spoke to Gleaners on Personality.

Wednesday, January 3, 1934

Heard President H.B. Brown explain Temple Work - its' significance, endowments and necessity of a ceremony in sealing and other ordinances. Large crowd of young people were there.

Mother is in charge of Genealogical classes in Highland Park Ward held every Wednesday night.

Thursday, January 4, 1934

Spoke to Lowell Paterson in store. Said he didn't know Ellsworth was gone and was coming out sometime. I didn't state objections. Letter from Ellsworth.

Olive Knaphus and I saw “Little Women” at Orpheum. Very real and interesting.

Friday, January 5, 1934

Busy on Valentine rush at store.

Saw Hazel and Mrs. Clark. Called on Vera for short visit. Her missionary friend Gene Murphy is here from Montana wooing her.

Saturday, January 6, 1934

Push at store. Work from 7:30 AM to 6:45 PM but against N.R.A. [National Recovery Administration] rules.

On return home received letter and snaps from my sweet. Pictures of him and President Daynes and Elder Howell.

Enclosed a letter for Connie Gunnerson by my request, 2 postcards with notes and an added note of great interest. Said he may find school in Colorado in which case he will remain there for summer school.

We entertained at home for Myrtle Smith soon leaving for California mission. Deckers, Monsons, Aunt Margaret Jensen, Fred Bushman, Ellen Edgar Lyon, Bert and Emily Parker, J. Fish Smith, Aunt Lois Etc. Good time.

Sunday, January 7, 1934

Attended Sunday School Highland Park. Also Sacrament and testimony service. Lessons on church doctrine. Clyde Hansen, teacher. After dinner wrote Ellsworth. Mother at Union Meeting. (genealogical)

At 4:30 I went to town. Left a letter at John Willies for Connie Gunnerson from Ellsworth.

Went to Clarks - dinner and church (conjoint at Capitol Hill) with Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Iris and Gordon. Illustrated lecture on Hawaii by Dr. Middleton. Very beautiful and informative. Numbers by Venetian Chorus and Bishop Lloyd. After church we talked, read Ellsworth's letters etc. Kissed Ella and Marion 'bye' as I left. Retire 10:30.

Monday, January 8, 1934

Mr. Jahries, Salt Lake City Kress manager returns from week’s business trip.

Most of Valentine decorations up. Weather turns colder and freezes.

Called at Bryant Jr. High to register in night class of art under Henri Moser. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday classes.

Tuesday, January 9, 1934

Looks like winter is here. Frosty and cold. Work from 8 to 5 PM. At 6 PM went to Lettie Bates and met Vera Palmer and friend Gene Murphy - a N.W. Mich. who has come from Montana to woo her.

We three went to missionary class at Mission home at 7 PM. Elder McKay spoke on writers of New Testament and their writings regarding Life After Death. Ten girls in class and about 9 fellows.

Aunt Myrtle Smith leaves Thursday for California Mission.

Olive Knaphus was laid off work at Kress today.

Wednesday, January 10, 1934

I attended my first Art class at night school under Henri Moser. Two classes at Bryant Jr. 7th East on 1st South.

Design 6:45 till 8:10 PM. Fine Art (landscape) 8:10 to 9:30 PM. Course continues till June.

I hope to gather and use valuable information on color and nature.

Our first real snow this winter since October. Sun is trying to melt it today and it is like Spring.

Thursday, January 11, 1934

Mr. Miller, Pressler, Miss Potter, Mrs. Mae Lee and I put up Fountain decorations in Kress tonight for Valentines.

I stayed overnight with Aunt Lois B. Smith in Raymond Apartments, S. Main. Also visited with Sister Clark a few minutes. She invited me to stay there some night.

Aunt Myrtle left this morning for California Mission with Missionary LeVon Skousen from Phoenix.

Friday, January 12, 1934

Received letter from Ellsworth asking information on M.I.A. (Mutual Improvement Association) work as he is authorized to open that work in Colorado Springs Branch. I bought and sent 5 Mutual manuals today for his use with letters from Oliver and myself.

June, Don and I skated at local pond tonite. Warm and exhilarating.

Saturday, January 13, 1934

Lois and June write letters to Ellsworth. Lois states she is sorry she suggested last summer that Ellsworth and I get married as she doesn't want me to leave now.

Sunday, January 14, 1934

Highland Park Sunday School. Clyde Hansen our teacher. Lessons on Selfishness and our debt to fellowman and God to give of our talents freely.

This afternoon, I worked with drawings, Ellsworth's Birthday Card and wrote Marv. Olive Knaphus went to church with me. Calvin Rawlins spoke on value of development spiritually and mentally in youth.

Brother and Sister Marion Clark paid us a short visit. We looked at some old albums and served mince meat pie.

Monday, January 15, 1934

Work at Kress again. Past weeks have held rather strenuous work.

Called at T.S. Knaphus' studio to get criticism on sketch I am doing for him of an illustration honoring a Norwegian Woman's Song.

Night class in Art. Had lunch at 6 PM with Hazel and Mrs. Clark.

Some rain tonight. Cold frosty. Wrote Bill Russell for information on Guitar music.

Tuesday January 16th, 1934

Work at store 8 to 5 PM.

Mutual - Lesson on Jean Francois Millet. French painter of peasantry. Former leader, Irene Wooton back in class after serious illness.

Stayed with Lois and rest of mutual to Scout show (movie).

Wrote Ellsworth and insert in diary.

Mother gave splendid literature lesson in Relief Society of Highland Park today on Bible. Was highly complemented on it - also her youthful appearance. Asked to continue giving literature Classes.

Wednesday, January 17, 1934

Attended night art class under Henri Moser. Am learning much about scene painting also about color in design.

Received long newsy letter from Bill Russell.

Thursday, January 18, 1934

School again.

Friday, January 19, 1934

Evening home making birthday card and other work.

Saturday, January 20, 1934

Letter from Ellsworth after receiving mutual books I sent.

Tonight I went to Curtises to stay with Vera Palmer as Mrs. Curtis was away.

Sunday, Jan 21, 1934

Went to Jefferson Ward with Vera. (cousin)

She rehearsed her plans for future and Gene Murphy’s idea of their marriage being in Alberta Temple this July 1934. We planned on a probable double wedding i.e., if Ellsworth won't be in school. So we have begun saving for the trip and a honeymoon in Canadian Rockies.

We wrote letters to Ellsworth today presenting the proposition.

Went to Highland Park church. Calvin Rawlins gave splendid talk to young people.

Stayed with Vera again tonight.

After church Knaphus called over to talk conf. [confidentially?] of Olive.

Monday January 22, 1934

Mailed card and letter to E.M.C.

Olive and her father met me after work and wanted me to go to a show so I missed school tonight. Saw “Dinner at Eight”. Letters from Marv and Dorothy R. Hughes, Barons, Alberta. [?]

Tuesday, January 23, 1934

Missed mutual to go with Oliver to Stake Mutual party held at Paulsens on Stratford. A very lively and enjoyable time.

Wednesday, January 24, 1934

Attended night class tonite and made my first water color scene (copy of Moser’s) in new style (from my former teachings.)

Mr. Knaphus met me after work - asked me to go to Beaux Arts Ball this Saturday but I declined.

Thursday, January 25, 1934

Ellsworth's 26th birthday, Grandma Bushman's birthday. Sent him $10.00 and $1.00 from T.S.K. [T.S. Knaphus] At 6:30 Aunt Lois, Lettie and Ivan, Fred and Jessie, Mother, Florence and I did some sealings in the temple. Went to Vera's after, then came to town and stayed over night with Aunt Lois. Two letters from Ellsworth and snaps (moustache).

Friday, January 26, 1934

Anniversary of birth of Natural Development Association.

Mother presented a pageant which she had written, piano solo, Sister Ellgren's daughter, violin - Sister Rawson, talks by Dad (as Uncle Sam), President B.B. Stringham, Owen Woodruff and Warwick Lamoreaux who afterwards played group songs for us to sing.

Saturday, January 27, 1934

Worked till 6:30 PM.

Went to temple with Olive Knaphus and her father to do baptisms for their line (Norwegians). Happy evening. My first baptismal work in Salt Lake Temple.

We dined afterwards at Mayflower and retired 11 PM. Sent note to Ellsworth.

Sunday, January 28, 1934

Sunday School lesson on Efficiency - in a trade and in society as an individual.

Paid up January tithe. Called on Vera to ask about missionary meeting.

Worked on clothes. Wrote Marv, Lon Hansen. Church at Highland Park. German 1st Ward choir in cantata.

Monday, January 29, 1934

S.H. Kress arrives tomorrow at the store and we are extra rushed today. Worked till 6:30. Went to school.

Called at 10 PM to see Olive but she was at show. I talked to her father and we listened to radio till nearly midnight. Home via viaduct. Spring atmosphere.

Tuesday, January 30, 1934

S.H. Kress visits Salt Lake. The store is in fine shape and our rush is over. Tonight Olive Knaphus came to Mutual with me. We had lesson on music and testimonies of Sister Madsen our teacher and Sister Wooton, former teacher who has been ill. Afterward Olive and I planned on having a little party of friends here some evening.

Tuesday, February 6, 1934

Mutual - Olive comes with me. Go to Henri Moser's Art class Monday and Wednesday. Sent $10.00 to E.M.C.

Thursday, February 8, 1934

Vera Palmer and I are starting missionary work in Jefferson Ward. We are only lady missionaries with 8 or 10 men.

Saturday, February 10, 1934

Vera made some candy for Gene and Ellsworth and I made cards which we sent for Valentine's.

February 14, 1934

Ellsworth sent a lovely Valentine. Spent the evening at home writing.

February 22, 1934

Marv and I went to ward Highland Park costume dance as Tom and Becky. Lois and Don and Oliver also went. We escaped with comic prize - box of chocolates. My fist chance to dance with Don.

Olive Knaphus and I have been to some “U” plays together. We also attended a 'charm' class at Lion House Social Centre taught by Katie Jensen. One night President H.B. Brown and A. Kenneth Bagley spoke on “what men expect in a charming woman”.

March 1934

Ellsworth transferred to Grand Junction from Colorado Springs. Now batching at the church apartment with D.[District] Pres. N.E. Sadler, Elmo Watson and Kuttler. Nephi Teerlink replaces him at Colorado Springs with Elder H.C. Howell.

Oliver active in University dramas. Don busy as editor of South High Spanish paper “El Disco.”

March 8 and 12, Oliver and Don turn 21 and 17 respectively.

March 17

Went to ward St. Patrick's dance with Don. Quite the escort now.

April 1, 1934

We moved yesterday to Crandall Ave, 947 and still attend Highland Park Ward. A beautiful Easter day with myriads of flowers in bloom.


Was a meanie and wrote Ellsworth a letter last week saying I was going to Canada indefinitely. Also had letter forwarded from there to him. It was an April Fool prank and he 'bit' but after getting wise pulled a worse one on me - having Elder Sadler write to the effect that E.M.C. was called by telegram as witness in a Colorado Springs divorce case involving a certain woman whom I learned was fond of Ellsworth. I wrote President Daynes for information.

During April conference, President J. I. Daynes, of Western States called on me, for further particulars and took back with him Elder Saddler’s letter and gave the two mischief-makers a Scotch blessing. Anyway it taught a lesson not to stretch a joke too far.

Grandmother Emma Smith was here for April 6, 7 and 8 then went to Provo to stay with Foss and wife. Saw Marguerite Bushman, Uncle Sam Smith and others at conference. Oliver, Don and I went to Sunday sessions together.

Vera Palmer and I have been trying to help in Jefferson Ward home missionary society in February and March but the work is slow and the field rather too sparse, hence the work is discontinuing. Vera has moved into another ward and works at home of Cecil Gates.

Marv's C.C.C. camp moved to Orangeville Utah. Enjoys his work as clerk. Sees Joseph Ursenbach.

Dad is working for Heber Jex about 10 or 15 miles from town.

April 26, 1934

Became 23 years old - a ripe young age. The happiest year of my life I think because I've been busy - free from care and illness and happier in my work. Weigh about 120 lbs. 5 ft 6 1/4” tall. Hair just below shoulders, 'done up' and curly. I have made some wonderful new friends this year and learned many things. This year may bring a new experience into my life - a marriage or a mission perhaps. I have much to live and work for. Bill Russell sent an illustrated poem “Reminiscences”.

We have had a wonderful Gleaner class this season under Sister Madsen, Sister Irene Wooton our former teacher was very ill before Xmas but recovered and returned to our group. We have showered' many new brides since last September. Gwenith (Judd) Horne, Dorothy (Pedro) Hunt, Alice (Beardshall) Glade, Helen (McKeen) Gritton and others.

May 3, 1934

Marv turns 25 yrs.

May 5, 1934

June Adele turns 12 yrs.

This month is the beginning of another thrilling adventure in my chosen field of art.

The printing of the entire Salt Lake S.H. Kress store was turned over to me on May 1st. Now with new materials and the confidence of George [?] Jahries, manager, and backing of my previous experience I am thrilled in undertaking the task. My wage will also increase as printing time pays 90¢ an hour.

Ellsworth is enjoying his missionary labors. Is travelling with Elder Sadler, Kittler and Watson thru towns near Grand Junction. Has spoken at several funerals lately, performed a double wedding ceremony, blessed children and baptized new members all of which have been noteworthy experiences in his life so far according to his letters. Five months of his 6 months term are ended and we’ve both been happy in our separation inasmuch as we have worked for others.

To see him again will bring greater happiness because of the long absence.

Early this month mother and I were fortunate in seeing a grand opera performance from the East at Kingsbury Hall, “La Boheme”.

May 21, 1934

Supervised games at Gleaner shower for Zola Brown.

May 28, 2934

Went to luncheon for Zola.

About middle of May, T.S. Knaphus and I went to Jordan river, west of city to paint. Here I made a picture for Zola Brown’s wedding gift.

One day Vera Palmer and Ruby Clement (N.W.S. missionary) came along and we all went swimming.

This month also, Vera Palmer, Ruth Baxter, another missionary and I drove to Manti with T.S. Knaphus on a Sat. afternoon to do Temple work. We were sealed for 43 couples, ancestors of T.S. Knaphus. I helped with 15 names.

Manti temple and grounds are almost as striking as I have seen. Temple, a yellowish stone, clean and majestic. Returned to S.L.C. Sunday morning.

June 1, 1934

Zola Brown married Rulon T. Jeffs in S.L. Temple today. I witnessed ceremony among other friends and relatives then assisted in serving at the reception that evening at their home and lawn. Mother in charge of gift room where many beautiful gifts of silver, glass, etc were received. Zina, June and Mary and Leona Jeffs were ‘brides maids’. Guests were served on the lawn.

Clara Walburger Hart and husband, Mark were there and we visited in the grape arbor as we filled the plates. Had a very interesting talk with Clara and learned to know her husband for the 1st time. He is teaching English and music in Idaho next year. Clara looks lovely and happy.

Saturday, June 2, 1934 

Charles P. Jarman passed thru Salt Lake en route to Canada to marry Melba Easthope of Taber. Says he will return to his job in Los Angeles. Wish him luck.

Sunday, June 3, 1934

Mother, Dad and I dined at Browns. Zina returns to job in L.A. this week.

At 4 PM Bill Russell arrives with Francis for June conference. He stays with us and we had a good old-fashioned visit this evening – a lot like old times. Bill’s a fine fellow and talented.

Monday, June 4, 1934

Ellsworth reaches Salt Lake City at 2 PM today. Went to his place after work and stayed most of evening talking to him and his mother. So long since we’d met we acted almost estranged. However love is still triumphant. Wears a small mustache.

Tuesday evening Don, Oliver, Bill and Ellsworth got Evelyn Western, Lois and Olive Knaphus and had a wienie roast up Parley’s canyon. Bill played guitar and sang. More fun.

Pay for week - $19.00

Wednesday, June 6, 1934

Lawrence (Sardonic) Whitman a young musician from Grand Junction with whom Ellsworth came home, married an Alroid or (Aldroyd) girl from Fountain Green in Salt Lake temple today.

Tonight we all went to Old Mill to dance, Oliver taking Larry’s sister Dearwyn (a famous violinist herself and only 18yrs.)

A cool evening and a lovely time. Marv arrives from Orangeville.

Thursday, June 7, 1934

Ellsworth and I spent evening here at our place. Told some of his experiences in Colorado as we sat around hearth and ate ice cream.

June 8, 1934

Friday, Marv, Oliver, Bill and Ellsworth and I all went to Salt-Air Conference dance and dance contest finals.

Saw Bishop Octave W. Ursenbach and Mildred Harvey (Lethbridge) Drew Clarke and wife. Saw Vera, Justin, Winnie and many others. The best time we’ve had since Ellsworth returned.

Don left today with Foss and Grandma Smith for Arizona to work for Uncle George, the most wonderful fellow in the world.

Monday, June 11, 1934

This evening I ate with Clarks and then Ellsworth and I strolled thru Memory Grove – reminisced and made future plans as we walked along the sand of the dry creek bed in the shade of trees and foliage. This is a little over a year after he proposed to me in the same location.

We watched the stars come twinkling out then crossing the lawn of the State Capital, returned home and stayed at our place.

I couldn’t be happier and now that his mustache is off I’m just beginning to feel at home around him again.

Tuesday, June 12, 1934

Spent another evening at Clarks with Ellsworth before he leaves for Idaho and Wyoming in search for a school to teach this year. Ellsworth and I call on Bishop Lloyd of Capitol Hill Ward.

Gets release.

We’re saving rent for a larger home [H.S. family] we hope to find soon. Letter from Don saying he arrived OK and enjoying visits in Arizona.

Wednesday, June 13, 1934

Ellsworth left today for Georgetown with his Uncle [?] where he’ll be indefinitely. May return to speak in Capitol Hill Ward June 24 if not successful in finding a school.

Sunday, June 17, 1934


We’re the proudest family on earth today with the finest Father on Earth and the finest mother that has ever inspired a husband and family.

We miss Marv and Don from the group but we had a lovely dinner for him and presented him with garments, tie and handkerchiefs.

Primary presents fine evening program at ward.

Monday, June 18, 1934

Letter from Ellsworth that he’s en route by ‘Shank’ high express to Afton Wyoming.

Sister Clark and I go thru Temple on session tonite.

Tuesday, June 19, 1934

Pay check $19.75. Mother and kids spend day at Memory Park and in town.

Wednesday, June 20, 1934

Mother, Dad, Oliver and I heard lecture by Dr. Thomas Robert Gaines at hotel Utah. Stresses health and progress dependent on quality of our thought and quality of our food and breathing.

Thursday, June 21, 1934

Attend lecture again. Busy with signs at store. In afternoons when not very busy at decorating I help Mr. Gunnarson in basement, marking and unpacking. An interesting diversion.

Friday, June 22, 1934

Letter from Ellsworth to the effect that he awaits news from Geneva, Idaho concerning job of principalship. Has consulted their education board and seems to have a good chance at the position. The next few days will tell.

Tonight T.S. Knaphus, left with Mahonri Young, architect for East to help decide on site, approach and base of Hill Cumorah monument. Will be gone 2 or 3 weeks. Olive makes a competent mother for the family and is busy with their sewing etc.

Had supper with cousin Ellen and Edgar Lyon.

Saturday, June 23, 1934

Visited with Sister Clark and then attended lecture.

Sunday, June 24, 1934

A glorious and much-needed rain began to fall at 8:30 this morning so heavy that we couldn’t make it to Sunday School so had one at home. June, Lois and Virgil, leading singing (in turns). Mother told us how we got our Bible, i.e., its history and we discussed its’ great literary value and its’ increasing popularity.

A thanksgiving dinner with all present save Marv and Don who are in Fairview Utah [C.C.C. camp], Heber, Arizona, respectively.

Spent afternoon reading and fixing clothes, making cards.

Virgil and I went to Highland Park church. Mother and Dad to N.D.A meeting at Elggrens then to lecture.

Heavy rain again at 11:30 P.M.

Monday, June 25, 1934

Mother’s Birthday.

Marv and Don away from home, but the rest of us had a nice dinner for her and gave her some hose.

She’s so young and beautiful I’d lose my own boy friends if Dad wasn’t so tall and handsome himself.

Ellsworth enrolled at Moscow summer school today.

Letter from Ellsworth. He has received contract as principal and teacher of 6-7 & 8 in Geneva, Idaho this year. ($90.00 a month) Hence – he has rushed to summer school (Moscow) and our marriage is pending.

Ellsworth will be out of school about July 20, probably return to Salt Lake after looking into living accommodations in Geneva etc.

I will probably work until late August and after our marriage we may spend awhile in Georgetown before going to Geneva.

It’s going to be fun making plans now that we have a definite goal.

Clara W Hart and husband are also in Moscow as he is teaching near McCammon this year.


Mother started taking Dr. Thomas Robert Gaines’ course tonight on “New Age Art of Living”.

He offers vitalic breathing theory – food harmony as well as mental and physical and spiritual training. A high type of man – beautiful young wife.

Tuesday, June 26-30, 1934

Enjoying work at store – printing of mornings and occasional basement work (marking merchandise) in afternoons.

Wednesday, June 27, 1934

Tonite Dad and I joined Dr. Gaines class and will continue for remainder of week. Am taking reference notes on his work.

Glad I’m getting this food knowledge now so I can give future hubby some balanced rations.

Sunday, July 1, 1934

Aunt Lily and Uncle Wesley Palmer arrived from Arizona last night. Vera and her mother stayed with us and Vera and I went to Jefferson ward this morning then to Marie P. Horne’s for dinner. Met Newel, a brother who goes to mission home tomorrow. Attended Gaines last class tonite.

Monday, July 2, 1934

E. Gene Murphy (Vera’s “future”) arrived from Montana today. Their marriage to take place next week. I spent this noon hour with them.

Wrote Ellsworth regarding dates and plans for our future. If we move and have a larger home we may have reception but plans are incomplete.

Thursday, July 5, 1934

Attended shower for Erma White Kirksick given by 17th ward gleaners. She is a lovely girl – now lives in Capitol Hill Ward with Walter K., a Central States ‘Mick”. Have known her 3 years.

Friday, July 6, 1934

Shower at Hornes for Vera Palmer and Gene Murphy with relatives. Received lovely gifts. We gave her one of my rose quilts.

Gene is a fine fellow. I met him last January.

Cousins Manson Bushman and Newel Palmer (at mission home) were there also.

Saturday, July 7, 1934

Attended shower given for Vera by N.W. States missionaries. Vera slept overnight with me. Is thrilled with prospects of her future.

Sunday, July 8, 1934

Vera returns to town. I go to Highland Park Sunday School. Read, wrote and rested in pm. LaRue Bushman spent day visiting with me.

Monday, July 10, 1934

Work again. [Kress] Visited at Clarks. Came home and sewed.

Tuesday & Wednesday, July 8 and 9, 1934

Will clerk this week in afternoons to accommodate clerk vacation time. (S.H. Kress)

Pay check was $19.03 today. Part of this is being put aside for rent on parent’s new home-office we are hoping to get, part for wedding expenses and daily expenses.

Today, Tuesday, Dad got work under F.E.R.A. as timekeeper on a government project. Earns about $4.00 per day, 5 day week.

Marv says he may be kept longer in C.C.C. camp.

Oliver still out of work. (U. of U. 2nd year)

Letter from Don who is helping Uncle George Smith build a home, now visiting at Uncle Preston’s in Zeniff.

Friday, July 20, 1934

Today Ellsworth completes summer school courses at Moscow, Idaho preparatory to teaching in Geneva this year.

Will be in Georgetown for a few weeks before coming to S.L.C.

Dad has been working for past week or two as a time-keeper in an F.E.R.A. government project. This has helped our finances considerably. Also Marv was asked to sign up for 3 months more. Will continue as camp clerk and help open new camp near Beaver, Utah where many Eastern men will join.

Saturday, July 21, 1934

After a big day at work I tossed a coin to drive T.K. [Torlief Knaphus] to Saltair where he wanted to try a sail boat. Had a flat but trip ok. No boats available, lake too dry so all we did was eat grapes and ride the Giant Racer 4 times (I alone). He wouldn’t chance it.

Sunday, July 22, 1934

Attended Sunday School and church at which 3 ‘Micks’ [missionaries] spoke. French, Dutch and N. West. [missions]

Visited Zola and Rulon's home. Talked to Vernon Ferre whose wife has a 2 week old girl.

Uncle Virgil and wife, Ruth, arrive from Chicago en route home to Arizona. We plan trip for 24th.

Monday, July 23, 1934

My first Kress vacation begins – one week paid. Received $35.57 last Saturday for 2 weeks work. Printed menus in advance. Other signs will be left till July 30th.

This morning, as planned, I drove Torlief Knaphus, daughter Olive K. Bost and myself to Aspen Grove at foot of Timpanogos, where he and I each did a small ‘oil’ while Olive played with her baby, Millie Lou, 2 years. We visited Alpine Summer School, branch of B.Y.U. and met some of teachers.

I drove back from 6 to 7:15 pm. Through bluster and dusts storms, but ride was enjoyable. The aspens and pines brightened by light showers were magnificent at the Grove.

Wrote letter to Ellsworth and retired with feeling of joy and fair accomplishment – my 2nd scene from nature.

Tuesday, July 24, 1934 Pioneer Day

Attended big Pioneer celebration and parade at Ogden with families of Fred Bushman, with Virgil Bushman and wife, Aunt Lois and Justin, and Silas Bushman and family, Florence Zobell.

Lunch in Ogden park – group races and contests – reassembling at Liberty Park [in] Salt Lake to meet Lonzo and Edith Bushman, cousin John C. Smith, Uncle Walter and cousin Matt. Watermelons, talk. Retire mucho fatigued 11pm. More sunburn. Hot and dry 95 – 100.

July 25 – Oct 31

Wednesday, July 25, 1934

Mother went to town to shop- call on George Albert Smith’s wife- New patient and attended evening health club of Dr. Thomas R. Gaines.

Oliver, Lois, June, Virgil and I, after doing our writing, printing and sundry duties spent afternoon in Fairmont Park at baseball.

Exercise ‘plus’ in the sun. T. Knaphus here when we returned. Offered to drive me over to see Mayvonne Reese regarding an applicant for my position at Kress. [Dorothy later wrote “art student at U., Moench?”]

Thursday, July 26, 1934

Spent big day sewing personal apparel with mothers help. At 7 PM our family climbed Ensign Peak to attend inspiring ceremony at unveiling of commemoration monument there. George Albert Smith, Pres Heber J. Grant and Anthony W. Ivins there and spoke.

A beautiful scarlet sunset spread a golden glow over the western mountains and even as the lake was dry out to Antelope Island the day the 8 men raised the Ensign there, so was it dry today. A rich amber full moon slipped up from behind the East hills as we descended the slope. It was all well worth witnessing, both instructive and inspirational.

On the eve of the 23 July mother and Lois attended a pioneer program in Immigration Canyon, ‘This is the Place’.

Friday, July 27, 1934

Did some sewing and printing today but not feeling up to par. Old throat again. At 1 PM T. Knaphus came. We made sherbet and he invited all of us children to go to Brighton to cool off. Oliver drove – we had 2 blowouts but arrived in time to visit M.I.A. home and make a short hike. The Resort was beautiful and the trip cooling. Retired 9 PM.

Saturday, July 28, 1934

Spent today in bed mostly and lounging. Mother shopped and visited. The girls cleaned house.

Sunday, July 29, 1934

Incapacitated today from slight grippe. Recuperating for work tomorrow.

This afternoon had a marvelous treat in reading from our Elbert Hubbards’ “Little Journeys to Home of Good and Great Men”, also his Autobiography.

Hubbard says, “Every man should live like a poor man regardless of fact that he may have money. Nature knows no bank balance. One must work to gain appetite for a meal and appreciate sweet sleep.”

“Art is the expression of mans joy in his work and all the joy and love you can weave into a fabric comes out again and belongs to the individual who has the soul to appreciate it. Art is beauty and beauty is a gratification, a peace and solace to every normal man and woman.”

“Life is expression, unfoldment. Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.”

“I would be ashamed to monopolize a luxury – to keep a beautiful piece of art from the sight of others.”

“Modesty may be Egotism turned wrong side out.”

“Practice reciprocity – help each other for Death the kind old nurse will come and rock us all to sleep – we had better help one another while we may; we are going the same way – let’s go hand in hand.”

“Prepare to live by living – Get ready for future life now so you’ll feel at home in the ideal world ahead.”

(Great Teacher) Pythagorus said: “Consult and deliberate your actions that thou mayest not commit foolish actions. For ‘tis the part of a miserable man to speak and to act without reflection, but do that which will not afflict thee afterward nor oblige thee to repentance.”

[Missing page] … “soul, without which no true artist is content! Others may approve and admire; but that counts for naught compared with one’s own feeling of what ought to be.” Meisronier[sp?] from “Little Journeys”.

“Shapes that seem alive,
Wrought in hard mountain
marble, will survive
Their maker, who the years to dust return!
Thus to effect, cause yields.
Art hath her turn,
And triumphs over nature.”
(from Sonnets of Michaelangelo).

Monday, July 30, 1934

Back to work at Kress after a weeks’ vacation.

Will start designing fixtures for party favor counter.

Tuesday, July 31, 1934

Rowena Moneur gave me wedding shower tonight.

Gayle Hatch, Evelyn Western, Mrs. B.B. Stringham and girls, Mrs. Elggren, Hickman,

Anne Lingard, Roland Chamberlain, LaVerda and Mrs. Marchant, Lois Emma and Mother were there.

I was decked in an old curtain veil, bouquet of onions, radishes and corn tassels, doughnut for ring and had to remain thus decked out until all guests arrived. Interesting games ensued. Lovely gifts including lamp, bedspread, lunch cloth, silver, glassware, towels etc.

Wednesday, August 1, 1934

This is the big month for me.

Wedding Bells may ring for Ellsworth and myself about the 28 of August.

He is now in Georgetown making arrangements for our winter in Geneva. Has rented a furnished apartment there and we expect to spend 2 weeks around Georgetown and Paris, first on a honeymoon.

Ellsworth will be principal and teach 6-7-8 grades.

Sunday, August 5, 1934

Saw Lucille Peterson from Canada today and her sister Cleo Funk and husband. Saw Daisy Nielen Friday from Mangrath, was in Lethbridge and now in Raymond.

Brother Sloan, released president of North West Mission, spoke in Highland Park Sunday School and Sacrament meeting.

Was also inspired by strong testimony given by Johnna Ruff, German convert.

Wednesday, August 15, 1934

Have been rushing work at store and home as wedding planned for August 29.

On account of uncertainty of family plans, Arizona reunion, Eastern trip etc. Will cancel idea of a reception.

Ellsworth arrives tonite from Georgetown.

Zina C. Brown and Zola B. Jeffs give shower honoring me tonight. Canada friends.

Sunday, August 19, 1934

Mother, Oliver and I go with Clarks to hear Ellsworth’s home-coming missionary address. Capitol Hill Ward. A fine coherent discourse – Am I proud of him? He mentioned taking me back to Idaho with him.

Monday, August 20, 1934

Extra busy at Kress this week. Trying out new sign-writers for my job. Buying new clothes for winter and sewing at home.

Sunday, August 26, 1934

Ellsworth and I go to Highland Park Ward and to Zola and Rulon Jeff’s sfterward with Oliver and Ruth Cummings. Quit work at Kress yesterday.

Smith and Bushman reunions in Snowflake this week. Don represents our family there.

Saturday, August 25, 1934

Mr. and Mrs. Marv Williams and Evelyn Western [?] take our family and Ellsworth to Sunset Beach, on Salt Lake to swim. Dinner at our place. Wonderful time.

Wednesday, August 29, 1934

Our Wedding Day

Married to Ellsworth M. Clark by Joseph Fielding Smith in Salt Lake Temple – 12:30 noon. A few relatives and friends as witnesses. Zola, Rulan [?] Wedding breakfast at home with some of the Clarks. Marv and Don absent. At 4:30 PM. Ellsworth and I and Mom and Dad (Phoebe Williams car) went to Brighton resort. Mom and Dad (& Phoebe Williams) returned next day. We stayed 2 days, hiked, slept, and had a real sunny time.

Friday, August 31, 1934

Packed this evening.

September 1, 1934

Marv arrives this morning from CCCamp.

Relatives shower me at Ellen Lyons – Marv and Ellsworth come over and we leave for Idaho from here.

Arrive Georgetown 10:45 PM. Eat and retire 1 AM. lest we get shivareed.

Sunday, September 2, 1934

Oliver answers call to mission field. Enters mission home October 7,’34.

Mother Clark has been here cleaning their old home for us to use this week.

Our first day in Georgetown as newlyweds. Sister Clark, goes to Paris. Grandma Shepherd brings us a quilt.

We met Evelyn Larsen (Ellsworth’s old flame) and folks and had them to dinner and stay overnight. It was fun being host for the 1sts time in my own house (as it were).

Met Earl and Elva Tippetts our neighbors – a young married couple with baby boy.

Tuesday, September 3, 1934

Met some of town folk and Clark relatives.

Went with a crowd to Silver Pond dance.

During week learned to milk cows, went horseback riding in canyon, painted a local scene, helped Fay Munk with art work.

Friday, September 7, 1934

Tonight as we were retiring 16 of the town gang shivareed us. Dragged us out and took us to Soda Springs where we danced. Watermelon and peanuts.

Sunday, September 9, 1934

Sunday School in Georgetown. Show last night in Montpelier with Earl Tippetts and Ellsworth. Show Monday night.

Tuesday, September 11, 1934

Wash and prepare to move to Geneva Friday.

Friday, September 14, 1934

This afternoon Earl Tippetts and wife drove us to Geneva, our winter home.

We’re renting 2 rooms at Chris Hirschi Jr’s, a fine place and fine people.

Sunday, September 16, 1934

Fairly settled in our new home after a scrap or two while cleaning and decorationg our apartments. (an argument about decorating)

Attended Sunday School parents class at 12 noon.

Dinner at Peterson’s.(3,4,5 grade teacher) Church at 8 PM. Met Bishop and many others. Think I’m going to like this valley after all.

Monday, September 17, 1934

Ellsworth’s 1st day of teaching. Finds principalship is no small job and has plenty on hands. I enjoy helping correct papers.

Tuesday, September 18, 1934

Today I was called as 2nd counselor in Primary Presidency. Also Playleader and Mikanwee [?] teacher.

Tonight went to big MIA social, program, games and dance. A sociable group.

Friday, September 21, 1934

Attend town dance with Herschi’s and Petersons. A better time than ever.

Saturday, September 22, 1934

A relaxation from intense school work. Two lazy people in love we slept till nearly noon, then sang and played piano all day.

Letter from Mother to effect they are going to move to Smith Farm New York on October 1st. Oliver already called to Eastern States Mission. Also letter from Sister Clark. We answered several letters.

Sunday, September 23, 1934

Well – Life is nothing but joy and love after all. Everything is working out so ideally we’re floating on air.

Missed stake conference in Montpelier today as ‘papa’ has to prepare some school work for coming week. Cold today. Rain.

Monday, September 24, 1934

Second week of school. I walked downtown with Prof. Clark this morning in our first snowfall. Warm and well. Practice dance with primary girls.

Tuesday, September 25, 1934

Geneva M.I.A. Opening Social. We joined the ward in a jolly eve of program and games. Met most of the young people of ward.

Friday, September 28, 1934

Rode with Petersons to Paris where the teachers attended a district meeting. Visited with Grandma Shepherd and Mary Ostlund, my former Sunday School teacher in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada who teaches in Paris “High”.

At 10:30 PM. We arrived in Salt Lake. Stayed with my folks on 3rd Avenue.

Saturday, September 29, 1934

Helped Mother pack for trip to Palmyra and put things away for Ellsworth and me. The folks sold out and will rent furnished house on Cumorah Farm.

Marvin arrived at 4:30 AM. To see the folks off. Today is our 1st monthly wedding anniversary and we are all pleased with the future outlook.

This evening we gathered in kitchen for a pass out lunch and then Marvin, Lois, June, Ellsworth and I went to Phoebe Williams and Evelyn Western’s to spend night, owing to lack of beds at home.

Sunday, September 30, 1934

A beautiful sunny day. We took some family pictures and made preparations to leave for Idaho again.

Visited Mrs. Clark and family and left at noon to return to Geneva after an enjoyable farewell visit with my folks. Oliver’s missionary farewell is tonite at Highland Park. He leaves for Eastern States Oct 17, 1934.

Monday, October 1, 1934

My parents and 5 of children leave today for new home in Palmyra, New York.

Tuesday, October 9, 1934

Ellsworth and I begin our duties as chorister and pianist at M.I.A. He is also instructor of music appreciation course. We are going to promote a minstrel show soon. Mucho fun!

Friday, October 12, 1934

At 4:30 A.M. we left with other teachers for Institute at Pocatello. Saw Clara W. Hart my old Canadian friend and husband who teaches near McCammron.

Shopped in town and Petersons went with us to a show “Wagon Wheels”.

Saturday, October 13, 1934

Not much impressed with Pocatello. Narrow streets but fairly large business district.

We had a plunge in Lava Hot Springs pool en route home to Geneva.

Sunday, October 14, 1934

Ellsworth and I went to Montpelier to attend two M.I.A. convention sessions.

Last Friday the 12th Ellsworth received his first teaching check or warrant of $90.00.

Cashed it and paid some standing bills.

Thursday, October 18, 1934

Tonight a male quartet practiced here for a number next Sunday in church. Ellsworth is the base.

Today received letters from Lois and Mother telling of their successful trip and their content in their new home at Cumorah Farm, Palmyra, New York. They attend the L.D.S. branch in Palmyra and Lois and June seem to be the only girls of “teen” age.

Oliver writes of his departure for Eastern States mission. Will visit Chicago World’s Fair and stay one night with the folks at Palmyra before reporting at Brooklyn, New York.

Saturday, October 20, 1934

Today Ellsworth and I took an 8 or 10 mile nature hike up Eastern hills to get specimens of firs, pines, autumn leaves etc, for school. Shot jack rabbit. A fine day.

Letter from Margaret M. Ferre, S.L.C.

Sunday, October 21, 1934

Sunday School today at 12 noon. Had Mr. and Mrs. Peterson and son to dinner this afternoon. Church at 8 P.M.


Profitable Resolutions (Add to Treasures of Truth)

Set a goal and keep striving for it.

Put your best into all you do and enjoy it thoroughly.

Accept cheerfully the situation you find yourself in each day.

Help to make the world a happier place to live in.


1927 Seagull teacher in Primary

Nov. 1931 - First wrote Grandma for genealogy

Mar. 1, 1933 - T of T collection started (Hyland Park Ward)

Sept. 1934 - Geneva, Idaho Primary (2nd Counselor, Playleader,      Mikinwee leader)

October 1934 – MIA pianist (Geneva Idaho)

Sept. 28-30 see my folks in SLC prior to their leaving Oct 1st for

     Cumorah Farm. (Oliver goes to Eastern States Mission. Oct 17,


Nov. 1954 Asked to help on ward committee B of R rep. Nibley Park      Ward. Set apart Dec.

Later on – Granite Stake Genealogy Committee.