Record of Family Reunion - Oct 8/31 at SLC
Marv having returned from his mission Oct 2/31 and it being the occasion of our first evening together as a family for 2 yrs, we gathered together for a family reunion.
After a group song accompanied on piano by Dot "Oh My Father" Marv offered an invocation. Duet - Lois & June "Re[…] Song, Virgil Dad then expressed a few of his thots & desires in our behalf and gave us the spiritual key to the evening's events.
Mother then also gave her expression as to her gratefulness for us & the ambition that we make a worthy effort & fill our calling as she felt responsible for our actions until adulthood. Never go where the Spirit cannot accompany us. Song - Do what is right"
Marv then related his feeling of thankfulness for the opportunity of having a mission & gave words of encouragement, advise & council to us as brothers & sisters as to how we could better enjoy the blessings we have & live more worthy of them.
Oliver gave an account of his development in past yr. and expressed joy & thankfulness in being with us again
Song: I'll go where you want. We Thank Thee Oh God for a Prophet.
Dot expressed her feelings as to the necessity of home influence & her desire to live exemplary & according to the standard of her parents.
Song -
Remarks - Dad. Told of his power to resist tobacco & drink as a boy & how it never tempted him since. "I need to be true - for there's many who trust me,
I need to be pure - for there's someone to care;
I " " " strong " " much " suffer,
" " " " brave " " " " dare
Show strength by standing up for the right principle & being brave to uphold the truth
Don, Lois, & June, altho shy to speak - expressed their unity of opinion with the rest of the family. Hoped to fill mission also.
Song - Love at Home
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We stand
Dad offers a benediction & dedicatorial prayer, dedicating our home as a place wherein His Spirit might always abie & cause our hearts to be united in purpose - that there would never be an inharmonious feeling within & that the kindness & peace would be radiated & felt by all who enter.
'That we would be blessed sufficiently temporally to more fully further His purposes, but at the same time "we bow in submission to thy will" and ask thy blessings according as thou seest is best for our good." After this Marv outlined the route of his homeward journey & we were served with mother's home-made candy.
Song - O My Father
Prayer - Dorothy
Song - Lois & June
" - Virgil
Reading - Oliver
Cl Solo - Don
Remarks - Mother
Talk - Marv
Remarks - Dad
Song -
Family prayer - Lois