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Personal Record - Dorothy S. Clark 4 April 1968

1911 - Born in Snowflake, Ariz Apr 26th home of Jesse N. & Emma Larson Smith

1916 - Started School in Lethbridge, Alberta, Can where my parents had moved with their 3 children and had opened a chiropractic office.

1921 - Accompanied mother to Chicago as a baby-sitter while she continued her studies & broadened her field of study.

1923 - Received training in piano & drawing and painting for a year or two which led to increased interest in these activities. Served at various times later as accompanist for auxiliary organizations of the church and assistant ward organist.

Was able to help support 4 missionaries (a brother, husband-to-be and two sons through employment as a store decorator, sign-writer, and as an assistant in printing Aaronic Priesthood certificates for the Church.

1927 - Left high school in 10th grade to help at home so mother could support father on a six-month's mission (North-western states).

1928-29 Travelled with mother, two sisters & brother Virgil to visit kin & friends in the south stopping at Portland, Ore, Beverly Hills, Calif. en route to Tucson, Mesa, Snowflake, Joseph City etc. Did baptismal work for the dead at Mesa temple. Was thrilled with the first visits since infancy with close kin in parents birthplaces.

1930 - Our family moved form Can. to Salt Lake City Utah - Ogden then.

1932 - With my brother, Oliver, enrolled as Freshman at U. of U.

1934 Married Ellsworth M. Clark whom I met two and a half years ago in Capitol Hill Ward and moved to Geneva Ida. were Ellsworth had first teaching job.

1936 - With our year-old son we drove east and spent summer in Palmyra, N.Y. at home of my parents. Visited Wash. D.C., New York City, and on our way home Kirtland and Nauvoo. Had privilege of helping with publicity campaign for first pageant at Hill Cumorah which both Oliver assisted in writing and producing.

1935-45 Lived successively in Geneva, Victor, Ida., 2 yrs. Parker 4 yrs, St. Anthony 4 yrs where my husband served as high school superintendent and teacher.

1945 - May 26 Returned to S.L.C. where last 4 of our 9 children were born. 

From the age of 16 have held church positions have included Primary & M.I.A. counselor & teacher, genealogy committee member & accompanist for some auxiliaries.

1953 - A Favorite church position began this fall calling probably was as a ward Book of Remembrance chairman. Later served also on Stake genealogy board with cousin Fred Bushman.

My family background had generated a special interest in all phases of research & genealogy of church service and I was impatient to see this work move faster and given more publicity in the church […] Since 1953 I've enjoyed working with Aunt Adele Westover, Uncle Virgil Bushman & others on Bushman family research.

In 1954 in Granite Stake we prepared publicity posters & slogans on Research and Temple work, fostered a Book of Rem. contest among the wards young people started youth classes and later (1961) had a present […] life experiences for special pageant written by the Rosana Farnsworth Hase and presented in each ward during a sacrament service.

1961 - While serving on Wilford Stake geneal. committee we prepared a genealogy game kit, theme song and more posters which alternated monthly in ward foyers.

1967 - Visited eldest daughter Renee Stansel & family in Calif. Stayed for Bushman reunion. Most difficult but treasured church service was foster parenting (detail)

1964-66 Had privilege of helping with Church Lamanite program (ISPP) as foster family parent for a 17-yr old Navajo boy, new LDS member Cody Black from Kayenta, Ariz. who later studied at BYU & now is studying later architectural drafting in San Francisco. He was new in the church and the program. His enth. & infl. on our family led to several bros & sisters joining program - 2 filling missions & later serving in Bpric.

Tribute for mother's life sketch 20 Aug '85

As the eldest daughter & one of eldest children in my parents family it has been my privilege to travel considerably with my mother on stake church M.I.A. & business trips (to help with youngest children) I have appreciated sharing her confidence feeling her zeal and enthusiasm for the Lord's work and for the great her gratitude for the Gospel's great incentive to high achievement in our lives.

7 May 1968 Our gr. children number eleven.

(Ellsworth […] David Returned with Father & Oliver

1968 May 6th our fourth missionary

1967 July Father returned form Marvin's to live with us after suffering a heart attack in CA.

1968 May 6 Our fourth son John entered mission home to prepare for Swedish mission.

Our other son served in N. Calif. N. Central States & N. States.

Six of our children are now married (all in the Temple)

Among these are teachers 2  secretaries, artists, architect, social workers. All are active in the church as Teachers or officers. 

(Nov 1983 53 grands)