Georgetown, Idaho
June 19, 1932
Dear Dot, There would still be better alliteration if I said Dear darling Dot. or Dear daring darling Dot. OH! It could be stretched on and on.
Sunday school just let out a few minutes ago. I came home directly and got some dinner for myself and Gordon. He just came in from the Dry farm he has been on for the past week. Seeing there is no outgoing mail today I have decided to try and get this letter written, then take a 3 1/2 mile walk to the Railroad station (1 3/4 miles down & 1 3/4 miles back) and see if the afternoon train into Pocatello stops. If it does I'll mail in down there on the train as it stops, and then I believe you will receive the letter Monday. Otherwise it would be Tuesday.
I will arise early tomorrow morning and get my breakfast and then to go work. I have a job for a few days, at least. It will be irrigating the alfalfa hay. There will be plenty of ditch digging etc. so I'll get worked in pretty good I guess. The only trouble is that the fellow I am working for is broke, so I don't know when
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I'll get my wages. Well, it's a job anyway and that's better than having nothing to do.
Your long letter friday was a very pleasant surprise especially in length and content. I think your letter sounded so much like you I really believe you mean what you say. It's not like many who write for effect only. The letter made me feel good because you put things like I would like to see there. I've one last thing to say about one thing, however, and that is, that as far as forgiveness goes I've forgiven you. If you have anything that should be forgiven and that I only have half forgiven myself - Gee Dot let's forget it like you say. Only Just remember I look at it the right way, I believe.
You mentioned a 4th of July hike. Would it surprise you if I happened to get to salt Lake at that time? Well I don't suppose so. Yet Lewis Munk, just yesterday said "Why couldn't the three of us (Leonard Lewis & Myself) go to Pocatello or even Salt Lake for a day or two. Lewis would like to do it before the Olympic games, as he has tickets for them. I don't suppose there would be any such luck as for me to really get to Salt Lake, but sometimes things do happen.
I've been practicing piano, baseball, chopping
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wood etc for the last three days. end
Golly it time for me to hit it for the Depot if I get this letter posted. I'll write more later.
Enclosed is "ideals for an ideal Husband."
Mit lieb meine […] Fraulein (can't remember the adjective)
E. Clark
Georgetown, Idaho
[written in black ink in Dorothy's handwriting:]
Ideals for a Husband.
Miss Dorothy Smith
246 So Main
Salt Lake City
c/o Natural Development Ass.
3rd Floor - Kieth Bldg.