
Wed. 3-14-34

Dorothy Darling:

Surprises. Now this is how it all Happened. We held a cottage meeting, at the same place as last week, adn tonight some young people, that were not there last time, came out. During my talk I looked at the young woman several times and wondered where I had seen her before. During Elder Sadler's talk I thought to myself, "She certainly looks like "Chuck" Jarman, but then I've though that before and nothing ever came of it. Then a few minutes later the thought came again. This time I dismissed it until after the meeting closed. I'm talking to Mrs. Nickles I found she had lived in Salt Lake & Canada, then I asked her what her name was before she was married. She answered, "Jarman" then I said "So Chuck Jarman is your brother" and the poor girl just about capsized. She couldn't talk fast enough or ask enough questions. She says she knew of you and that you are a very pretty girl. She asked, "What ever came of that girl in S.L.C. Chuck was so crazy about. Dorothy, I think her name was. He went from Canada to see her and at another time rode from _____ (some place) on skis to go see her. I believe she is an Artist and is going to study in Europe" I couldn't keep it any longer. I had to tell her I knew you and that she was now engaged to be married. She knows Gertrude quite well also. I was busy answering questions.

She wants you to send Charles' address so she can write to him. She hasn't seen him or 3 years. Lorena is her name. Told me of Albert who lives in Salt Lake. She has 3 cute little kids & they have noses like she and Charles. Informed me of the fact that Charles was a good singer and that she had often sung with him. She says Charles is in California now, going to school. I told her I would try to have Charles' address by next cottage Meeting (next week).

Went in today when I had my picture taken yesterday, and selected one of the pictures that looked as flattering as possible of me. They are all separating but can't blame the photographer. Look what he had to work with. Am having a doz. finished & if they are suitable, 2 more dozen. The first doz is 1.50 and if I get tow more doz. today they will cost me $3.00 for the three dozen. Need at least 2 doz for the teacher agency. Will send you one of them. Get them tomorrow afternoon. Don't mind the lithographic style, as it seems I am in such a hurry I never get them quite like I should. Hope the scribbling is legible. If I don't get time to put more with this, I send all my love sweetheart. E.M.C.