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Life Story - Dorothy Smith Clark

Favorite teachers: C.E. Brandon 8th gr. (for own history)

miss Ashton K[…]

M.I.A. Octave Ursenbach, Lorin Hutchinson (SSS), Mary Cheney Lebaron (Primary)
Viva Elton, Katie Llewelyn, Irene Wooton

Art: E.F. Kirk Dr & ptg. San. Paul Wildhaber (oils) T.S. Knaphus - oils, sculpture Bessie Eastman Gourly watercolor florals

R. Soc. Grandview 2 Elayne Anderson

Funeral Notes Dorothy SC


Violin solo a duet: Classical or Hymn (I Stand All Amazed or the Lord is my Shepherd) Jesus, Lover of My Soul

Organ or Piano (prelude, postlude) Heidi, Becca, Chorister
Accom Dot., Stephen etc. Leader - Mary Anne

Children's Chorus: ask Becca & M.A.?
Earth's Fairest Flowers 2 verses
or I am a Child of God 2 or 3 "
In Grand(fathers) Old Fashioned Garden

Poem Male Quartette? Sons or grandsons

(EMC funeral)