J. W. Woolley Pioneer 1848, Called by Death
John W. Woolley, pioneer of 1848 and a friend of the Prophet Joseph Smith, died at his home in Centerville yesterday morning
Mr. Woolley first saw Salt Lake valley in 1848 when he was 16 years of age. He made eight trips across the plains, acting as guide and captain. Many of the maps used by the emigrants were made by Mr. Woolley
He was born in Westchester township Pennsylvania and on the 31st of this month, he would have been ninety seven years old
He was one of the first policemen in Salt Lake. He held various positions in the LDS Church, being bishop's counselor, a member of the high council. He was said to have been the oldest baptized member of the church
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J. W. Woolley, 97, Dies at Centerville
John Wickersham Woolley, closely identified with the early history of Salt Lake, died Thursday at his home in Centerville. He was 97 years old.
Mr. Woolley first made the journey to Salt Lake in 1848, when he was 16 years old, and later made several trips to the east as guide and captain of wagon-trains. He is said to have been the first policeman appointed in the city. He held several positions in the L.D.S. church, having been bishop's counselor, and a member of the high council.
Funeral services will be held Sunday in Centerville at 10:30 a.m. The body may be viewed at the family residence Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
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Obsequies Held Dec 16 For John W. Woolley
Funeral services were held Sunday December 16, in the Centerville First ward meeting house for J W Woolley who passed anay at his home in Centerville, December 13 The services were held at 1030 a m on account of a relatives funeral being held on the same day The speakers were Joseph E Wiliams and John T Porter of Centerville, and JeJsse M Smith of Layton All of the speakers spoke very highly of Mr Woolley, and Joseph Willams especially eulogized the deceased
Interment took place in the Centerville cemetery