October 1, 1935
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Cathy Gilmore
Norman Eczema Expenses
Mineral oil - at 8 mos. - .59
Cotton - .33
zemo - 1.20
cuticura - .60
resinal - .50
train fare to S.L.C. & back 11.40
Dr. Bill (W.H. Blood) - 22.00
sun lamp + test for allergies on abdomen
calcium - .75
calamine (2 bottles - .75 125
Mazon - 7.00
Eczema prescr. 6.25
car fare & taxi 1.20 (S.L.C.) - 1.20
hotel 1.50
merthiolate - .50
blue pills - .15
eczema salve (prescription) 1.25
& salve - 2.50
1 " (Apr 1) - 2.50
1 " May 1 (1936) - 2.50
5 bulgarian Bacillus Act. (1935) - 5.00
[added in pen in center of page] 73.00?