Sketch of My Life (1932?) 9/4 2
I was born in the pioneer town of Snowflake Ariz, I was born April 26 / 1911 in Grandpa Smith's home. picture of home
Here - parents occupation
(over) Teacher, Snowflake Stake Academy
When I was 2 1/2 years old I went with my parents and older bro. to Davenport where Dad studied chiropractic.
Returned to Provo.
Chicago mother studied
About 19-- we moved to Alta., Can where my Father taught in the Raymond Academy for a yr. We lived a short while in Magrath & Cardston & then came to Lethbridge where Dad & Mother opened an office picture in part of a large home whe there. It was a pioneering step for them but with faith & works combined their business soon grew & they became well known for their fine results their patients rec'd.
I started entered Kindergarten at 5 yrs. & up to grade 5 attended Central School. I remember as a child the fun we had building snow men & snow forts - playing house on our wide veranda & on long summer days exploring with my brothers other sections of town.
P Having now 3 2 bro and no sisters I used to entertain myself with my many dolls Oliver I & doll & had a special hobby of wearing out 2 or 3 ruffly parasols in a summer. attic cooked tree needles When I was about 8 or 9 Marvin, 10, and I spent a few weeks on Wm Stuarts farm riding horses in the summer & Marvin had a small pinto pony to ride which was the delight of the neighborhood.
we had a swing in our large back yard where we flew kites, played pirates & made graves for dead birds & kittens. boys on a horse, fish & Oliver
During the flu epidemic 19?18 I remember wearing mask for protection but none of our family was included on the sick list. Any Mary Watson ( __ __ __) was staying with us & Mother was in US on a church trip when the Contagion broke out.
In grade 2 or 3 I remember being taught to knit sox for our soldiers but didn't realize what the war meant even after the big Armistice parade & fictitious burning of the Kaiser to a stake.
When about 9 yrs old took an interest in drawing faces & heads which later gradually became a hindrance to my interest in some subjects but later was to be a rewarding hobby or a vocation.
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(over) Dot life sketch
In Sn. & Provo mom made hats to sell, piano lessons [[line]] In Snow. Mom taught kind. & trained a group to teach
Attended BYU summer 1911 when few mo old -
Mother grad BYU 2 yrs ( 1 yr Logan) as kinderg. teacher [pencil] Mt Timpanogas 1st hike left at fla[…]
Went summer 1912 to Dav. Iowa, Palmer Sch of Chiro. stayed 1 year (Cards[…] Neilsen Mg […] Harker
Letters from Mary Had / -miss to Dav. from Can.
Taught 1 yr at Snowflake […] Anne Miller, Jane Bushman
Canada June 1914 taught Knight (Jessie) Raymond Academy Mrs Ray Knight became […] friend of Mothers -
Practiced Chiro in Raym & Magrath
Helped legalize the prof in Alberta - got recog from legislators for chiro Educ
as a prof. rather than be called a medical pro
1918 The epidemic
Lethbridge 1915- July 30 - Dad made Bp in 1921 - Mother in Chicago S.L.C. to Conf.
Ag[…] 2 mos.
S.L.C. Oct 31 Marv ret. Can miss
1921 Jan to June Chicago
1929 -30 (Calgary, lectured (Boise Ida Falls, Blackfoot,)
went with mom on some trips
[next 4 lines circled]
1929 […] 4 yr
1926 ? Calgary
V nursing only
Mabel Clo[…]
Coombs 0 Brown