
[[Source Document:  CFD_1976-01-24_Smith-Oliver.pdf]]

Dear Oliver, Barbara & family –

Did I tell you how thrilled we were with the J Bushman publication?  Lenore Carpenter asked me (in Mesa) to extend her special thanks to you & Marvin also.

We had a wonderful 3-wk. vacation in Austin, Mesa & Page with side trips courtesy of Bob & family to Houston, San Antonio & Mexico.

Will have a chance to get even with them this summer tending for them during a tour of Israel with Seminary & Inst. Teachers & wives.

Are you going to have any time to check on possible entries from your family in the S.L. Tribune - Hist. Soc. Bicentennial Contest?

Have asked the Trib. To mail you a copy of contest rules etc.  You may want 2 or 3 entry blanks, for the different categories.

 Marv thinks he’ll be too busy with Battallion trips.

Hope all are well & that some of you can take advantage of this writing opportunity.

Has history of Thos. McKay been published?

Love from all – Dorothy



After only 2 or 3 mos. away from Seoul Dave has been reassigned to that area to help break in new arrivals which should be an interesting challenge.

Same address as headquarters

Kwang Wha Moon

Box 210

Seoul, Korea 110

[[Address]]Oliver R. Smith family

970 N. 12th E.

Provo, Ut. 84601

[[Return Address]] 2751 Grandview Cir.

SLC Ut.  84106

1-29-76 [[on lower left of envelope]]

[[postmark]] SALT LAKE CITY, UT 841   PM   24 JAN 1976