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Ben Garrett
Kimball Clark
Ben Garrett
Called on Sister Allgood, Sister Sampson and Pres. Gardner. The furniture & clothes will be Charity (Paid by check). Funeral to be held in Martin Mortuary—Friday.
Went to see Mrs Burrows, a friend of Sister Gardner, She is sick and we administered to her.
We hunted for other people & then Elder Calles went down to Hoons (Red Head). I came down a studied.
Held Cottage Meeting out at Mrs Price's. Mr & Mrs Nay, Mr & Mrs Nickle, Mrs Roberts & son, & other friends. I talked on "Joy & Happiness a Cleanable part of our Religion." Elder Calles on "Temples & Are we of Israel."
Sent Telegram to S.L.C. for Burial Clothes. Wrote out reports & studied for the rest of the evening.