
Palmyra New York
August 29 35

Our Dear Children

Today is your anniversary and so we just must pause in the whirl of farm activities and send you greetings. June has been after us for days but we hardly have time to think these days so a letter would not be intelligible. 

We wish we could get to town to get a card but in as much as this is belated I presume it will have to suffice for us to congratulate you on your splendid team work and your courage in facing life's problems and working them out together. We do not wish you a path of roses unless there are enough thorns to keep you stepping lively, as we know by experience that a life of ease is not desirable or beneficial as it offers no chance for growth. We grow by meeting life as it comes & with a smile undertake our tasks. After all most of our work is overcoming our […] weaknesses. Self mastery is our task and then the world seems to adjust itself.

We hope your joy in living will increase with the years & that you will never weaken in your determination to make good. We are living in a day where great men & women are in demand and we must equip ourselves to fill the bill.

Our love and blessings for you always,

Father Mother and the […]ampkins[…]

P.S. Hope Lois arrives O.K. she writes that they will deliver her safely to you. Let us know what you think of us for sending her. All the men are over to the Bennet place so June & I are canning corn. Mother