1509-6 Ave So
Lethbridge Alta,
Oct 27th 129
Dear Grandma,
I'm sorry I have been so long in answering. I certainly enjoyed & appreciated your letter & will not be so negligent of my correspondence after this.
It has been so long now since we got home that everything that happened last winter seems like a dream. It always was a dream till last year & I can't convince myself yet
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that the dream has materialized.
I'm glad you are able enough to resume your work in the Mesa Temple and hope you will long have the pleasure of doing so.
I would like to be down there this time of year when it isn't too warm. Our weather has been very mild & pleasant until to-day it rained, a north wind came & brought
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Within a few hours everything was white with a blanket of snow nearly a foot deep. To-night it is so cold & slushy that I didn't go to church but Oliver & father have gone.
Is Myrtle working in Phoenix now? I'm glad to know she is down there. It will be a change from what she has been doing I guess.
How does Foss enjoy his studies in Provo? I would write to him if I had his
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I am taking a post-graduate course in Art by Correspondence, & have a position here as advertiser & designer for a large copan company T Eaton Stores. Also teach a Primary & S. School class so am kept quite busy.
Am 10 lbs less than I was in Mesa but enjoying robust health. You asked if Prince Charming has glad to see me when I got home. All of my friends were glad to see me back but there was no Prince Charming to greet me.
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I haven't yet met him, but when I do I will surely tell you about him Grandma dear. I am just hoping I will be worthy of him. If I could get one to match Oliver & Marvin I would be proud. They are certainly two wonderful brothers and couldn't do without them. I am thankful Marvin is having a missionary experience. I know he will accomplish much good.
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Before Marvin left, mother read to me the Patriarchal blessing that Grandpa Smith gave Dad. Since then I have had a greater understanding of his mission here on the earth & it makes me feel very incompetent in living worth of him. My parents are certainly two of the most blessed spirits on earth & I am thankful for you as a Grandmother.
I don't fee capable of expressing any more. It's late & I must retire so will write again & also get the children to do so
Your devoted grandaughter Dorothy
Dorothy Smith
1509-6 Ave. So.
Lethbridge, Alta
Mrs. Emma L. Smith,
c/o Mesa Temple,
Mesa, Arizona
IMAGE #1 |
Postmark LETHBRIDGE 1:30 pm Oct 28 1929 ALTA |
IMAGE #2 |
postage stamp CANADA 2 CENTS 2 |
[Back side of envelope:]
letter to grandmother after Az. visit
ret'd by Aunt Myrtle in 1960's or 70's
(40-50 yrs later)