Geo. Ida.
Miss Dorothy Smith
474 E. 4th South
Salt Lake City
Georgetown Idaho
July 24, 1932
Tonight is such a perfect night, and having certain things happen to rewind one of past remembrances, I find I want very much to write to you.
Not only do I want to answer your last letter, but I also want a 'tete a tete' with you — even if it is on paper.
Last week was very busy for me. In in I found very little time for writing, reading, practicicing on the piano, or even dreaming. It is truly the busy season in Georgetown. I've been putting in rather long hours, too. Yesterday, I worked until 8:30
Today I was good and went to Sunday School. Vivian Walker and Mildred Munk were there and I'm afraid we talked more than we should have done. Vivian is leaving own and going to live
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in Boise, Idaho. It has been more than a month since I have been with a girl long enough to have a very good talk.
Have a nice invitation from Mildred for entertainment near the end of the coming week. I can't decide whether to go or not. Perhaps if I go it will make the summer seem a little shorter for me and then I will be able to see you again. Sometimes I get so lonely I believe that I will go and hunt a bit of romance. I guess it can be had if one look(s) a little. So far I have not worried about any. Remembrances are So Strong. Really, some of the girls here are a 'pain in the neck' Dot.
I told you in my last letter I was after two more pounds. Well, I achieved that and it looks as though I'll still be heavier than that. How would you like to see me slightly fat? No! I think I'd rather be slightly thin.
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I don't just know why I was surprised when I got your letter Saturday, but I was — a very pleasant one at that. I wondered if my last letter might have made you quit writing or at least slow up still more than you have. You remember I asked a question in that letter. You did not answer it. I guess I have to think what I desire to, and act accordingly. However, if you are appalled by my procedure you can still give me a very good rebuke, I guess.
Canada is a very fine place, I guess, but I'm glad you did not go. Some day I think I'll go on a long, long, fishing fishing trip. You say Canada is a fisherman's paradise. There are a few things I always dream of doing and a good, long, trip somewhere a way off in the wilds to catch a few wily fish is one of them.
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You say that Trudy has gone to Canada. If I remember correctly she is the one who played tennis with Fred, you + myself. Am I correct? I hardly think she would care to receive a letter from me. What would I write about? I'm not adept at writing letters, especially to girls.
Bravo! for you 'Dotty'. Hope your day pajamas are better than the ones I saw on the street today. You wouldn't wear them on the street though would you?
Say, let's forget about those assinine 'Ratings'. I feel like a chump and a fool. Better wait when I can explain things better than on paper.
There is one thing about the little paper you sent. You had up in one of the corners. "Are I correspond with the following: — Then 5 or 6 names.
I will also tell you to how many I'm corresponding. Already for the big long list.
1- Dorothy Smith.
2- 'Dotty'.
3- 'Dorty'
4- Dot
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They are the only ones I really cared to write to. Perhaps I should write to Emily. She wrote to me + I haven't answered her letter. Now she's moved + I do not know the new address. Oh well, Again what would I write about. I guess I've about 20 of her old letters around and for the life of me I can't see what we wrote about other than people we both knew + about our school work etc.
Do you ever see Helen or Hazel? I have often wondered if you and Helen had ever played Tennis. Iris is apt to come to S.L.C. The last of the month. Jan should see her. She is my idea (of) a pretty sister. She's just that age too. (18) When she see's through romantic eyes. I wish I could take her around a bit in S.J. + try to show her a good time.
I figured what part of the summer was gone and it seems that in one more week, alf of the time will be gone. The last 3 weeks have gone much faster than the first three.
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I am going to quit now and go to bed. This letter is somewhat shorter than usual, but I hope to get another off to you soon.
— O — ! —?