Sept 24 1930 [handwritten copy]
Miss Gladys Green entertained pleasantly at her home on Wednesday evening at a farewell party in honor of Miss Dorothy Smith who leaves shortly for Salt Lake City where she will reside. The time was spent in progressive games of "Bunco" and other table games. The prizes were won by Miss Beatrice Walburger and Mr. Henry Smith. Following the games refreshments were served. The invited guests included the Misses Dorothy Smith, Clara and Beatrice Walburger, Laura Brown, Ethel Brown, Dorothy Rasmussen, Clara Johnson, Fern Hepplar, Ellen Nielsen and Messrs. Albert and Henry Smith, Bob Donaldson, Tom Ferguson, Thomas Pratt, Fred Beaton, Thomas Green, Oliver Smith, Austin and William Russell.
The hostess was assisted by Mrs. L. B. Knowlton and Mrs. G.N. Green.