
On New 89 Highway Salt Lake to California, Direct to All Southern Utah Parks, All Paved and Nearest Route.

Savoy Hotel

Savoy Dining Room Mormon Temple Savoy Office

"The Temple City"

Modern Rooms—Steam Heat

Noted Cafe Service

Manti-Utah May 27 1934

Sweet meat -

I like my Hotel stationary better than yours so heres a sample before 2 leave this memorable place.

T.K & I got married here last night, Vera & Ruth Baxter as witnesses. Hope you will take this all as I would like it to be taken.

There was a dance in the town ball-room afterward so we dropped in but […] it was a private wedding dance (quite appropos)

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so we didn't stay.

It's a beautiful little city of about 2300 - many trees and almost the prettiest temple v ground I have seen. It's awfully large & has little wall […] turrets […] stairways all around in different places on a high hill.

Also a beautiful hilltop covered with pines, firs, & spruce.

The near-full moon rising above them was beautiful.

We arid here about 6.45 Pm last night too late for our […]. with the Temple workers so we had to wait till after their stake conference

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then Pres. Young of the Temple & several witnesses came up at 10 Pm & did took us in for the sealings. Vera was married for 18 names, Ruth 10 & I 15 of J. K's ancestors. He was very pleased to have it done. Was coming here on a business trip hence we decided to kill 2 birds with one sling.

Not a bad place to live-here. But duty calls elsewhere, 6.30 Am. Sun. now & were returning for to S.L.C.

Granite Stake Conf. today. I feel a grippe coming on so maybe I'll have to sleep all day. We got only 3 or 4 hrs last

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Am I still to expect you home next week- end or must I put down my expectations for the present.

Somehow I hope you won't be staying but I guess that's a selfish thought.

[…] is sadler doing without the 'Jackson' Hope I'll get to meet them all some time in the future.

1 Hello Elloworth, how be ye? Vera.

Vera Ruth v I have been cutting up a la carte or something & its been a grand old trip.

Love for yourself


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[…] to

Savoy Hotel

Manti, Utah


May […]

3 -PM



Mr. Ellsworth M. Clark

Box 833

Grand Junction
