
12 Feb ’79


Dear Oliver – 

On returning to SLC I find that there are several miscellaneous tributes here in Mother’s (my) collection waiting to be checked as well as various snaps & photos that may add interest to the birthday program planned.

Before entering more material into her B. of Rem.  I’d like you to have a chance to look these over.

Will you be coming to SLC any time this month or I will try to get down to send items with someone else.

Will try to glean pertinent statements from letters (with names) & put on one large sheet for your selection if needed.



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[[Return Address]] EM Clark
2751 Grandview Cir
Salt Lake Cy UT 84106

[[Address]] Oliver R. Smith
970 N. 12th E
Provo, UT 84601

Image #2
[[Postmark]] Salt Lake City, UT PM 13 Feb 1979
Image #3
[[Stamp, USA 15 cents. Christmas. Boy on white rocking horse.]]