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Some Notes on Pop (Ellsworth M. Clark) from August 1976 visit by Mary Anne C. Koski [Daughter]

Pop was named after German E. Ellsworth, the mission president of his father. Pop’s father said he’d name his first son after him.

Pop said of John Wooley [ John Wickersham Woolley ] who was excommunicated from the church, that when he was 94 years old told Pop, “I’m an old man. Even though I felt I was right in what I did, I want you to follow the leaders of the church.” Pop wrote a letter to John A Widstoe [ John A. Widtsoe ] about this.

I will now mention some things he did as a youth. (We, the Koski’s) talked about these a[ t ] family night when they were here.) He and his friends would swim in the Bear riverg [ Bear River ] (with or without suits.) When the train would come by, they would jump up and down. The Union Pacific trainmaster told them they would have to stop it. He spent a lot of time playing marbles, wearing holes in his pants and getting chapped hands from playing on the damp ground. He would go fishing and catch them with his hands. He rode horses. He helped his father in the store especially at the candy counter. Even at age 7 he could weigh candy and sell it. He would sweep the floor and cut the cheeze [cheese]. He would start a fire in the stove to get the store warm.

He was often called penney’s worth or nickel’s worth by his friends.

At home he would get up every morning and start a fire in the wood stove. The rest of the family got up thirty minutes later. He would often read the paper while starting

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the fire. They would all get dressed in the kitchen by the stove.

As a boy he was dragged by a horse while in the stirrip. He was going to take a cow up to her calf. He put his foot in the stirrip, to wing over when something startled the horse. It took off and, "thats all I remembered." He was found about a half mile away down the road by a passerby. He had bruises on his shoulder and a large cut on the side of his head. It was believed that the horse may have stepped on his shoulder and pulled him out of the stirrip. His life may have been saved because of it. He was unconscious for two or ther [three] hours.

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