Ellsworth Clark
Georgetown, Idaho
Miss Dorothy Smith
474 E. 4th South
Salt Lake City Utah
4th of July Morning
June and Gordon have both gone up to the lake (Bear Lake) for the day. June will stay in Paris with Grandma and Iris will come home. I still don't know what to do today. One thing is sure and that is that I'll have to hurry and get this letter to the post office or it will not get off today. I surely hope you have a more exciting time than it looks as though I'm destined to have.
You asked in your letter about the loose leaf book. If you want to you can start on it as soon as I get some lacing. But I would really rather work and help you with it next fall.
I don't know when Mamma will be home. I haven't heard from many of them for days.
Well, come on 'slow poke' and close this letter.
Wish you were here or that I was in S.L.C.
Mit lieb
Morning July 5th
Well, I did it. Yesterday morning I went over to the P.O. just minutes too late. Instead of posting the letter then, I thought it would be a good idea to bring it back home and then write a little more.
Say! but it was cold last night. The potatoes are frozen block. The strawberries & Raspberries were also set back by about a month. A tub of water was standing in a neighbors lot and the water froze on it 1/2 inch thick. Some weather for July.
Lewis and Leonard just came in to see me a few minutes ago to see if I could go to Wyo. with them. I decided that I cold not, but I surely would like to have done it. They are leaving as soon as possible this morning.
I reopened the letter I had fixed for you and I don't know whether I have any glue to re-seal it, so if there is a bad job done on it you will know that I was to blame and not inquisitive people in our P.O.
It was a very safe and sane 4th here. There were no firecrackers allowed. Most of the townspeople went into the Canyons or to other towns. I seems that they celebrate the 4th very differently than the way they used to. I'll close for this morning and be sure to get the letter off.
Here's thinking of you.